BULD BRIGHT UNIVERSITY Faculty of Science and Technology Understanding Virus and Attack Techniques : D1 ~ ~
Type of Computer Viruses
What is a computer virus? Exist over the past few years There are over 10,000 known computer viruses Over 200 new viruses are being discovered every month hidden program, which invades your computer Has the potential to cause damage and/or perform unwanted/unauthorized functions.
How does a virus work? A computer virus performs two basic functions – It copies itself from machine to machine (self reproducing) – It executes the instructions the perpetrator has planned.
A computer virus exhibits three characteristics: a replication mechanism an activation mechanism an objective
What damage can a virus do? computer virus can cause unwanted alteration computer virus can loss of data annoy the user destroy all your data files your machine can even be rendered unusable
How do they spread? Viruses are usually spread by media/programs swapped.
Kind of viruses Encrypted Viruses : most difficult kind of bug to detect and the most difficult to stop Secret Viruses : make changes to files on your computer, or completely replace files Time Delay Viruses The Anti-Virus Virus The Multi-Headed Virus
Kind of viruses (continue) The Misdirection Virus A Cloning Virus The Author Virus The Bad Penny Virus Rewriting Virus The Melissa Virus End Type of Viruses
How to Know if Your Computer is Infected with a Virus
Viruses in USB Flash or Drive
Show file hid from USB Flash To unhide file in USB Flash Run=> cmd.exe F: or G: (Drive USB Flash) : => hit Enter F:> attrib -s -h /s /d *.* => hit Enter
Show file hid from USB Flash
Attack Techniques
What is attack ? In computer and computer networks an attack is any attempt to destroy, expose, alter, disable, steal or gain unauthorized access to or make unauthorized use of an assetcomputercomputer networks
Unauthorized Access Attack Spoofing Hopping DoS DDoS Spam Mail Malicious Code Cross Site Scripting Attack
Spoofing Typical example Use of other people’s user IDs/passwords without permission
Dos Attack
Attack Cross Site Scripting Attack
Resource : Chapter03-Unauthorized.Access.Method
Q & A
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