VpCI™ Packaging Solutions Rock Star Environmental Benefits World Sales Meeting 2009
Cortec’s Vision for Environmental Technologies Goal: Cortec seeks to differentiate ourselves by offering our global network of distributors innovative solutions that bridge the gap between ecology and performance! We challenge the belief that sustainable products do not work as well as petro-based products.
Why is VpCI Important for Eco? Benefits of Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors: 1.Do not rely on the carrier or film former alone to offer protection 2.VpCI® is compatible with oils, solvents, water, salts and renewable fluids 3.VpCI® itself is much safer and more user friendly than older VCI formulations and alternative technologies
How to Sell Eco Benefits: Points to Consider Customers only care about the environment if it allows OTHER benefits Sustainability MUST meet three tenets: 1.Environmentally beneficial from source, use or disposal 2.Economically viable—must save more than it costs 3.Socially acceptable—must be within acceptable practices
Case Study in Sustainability: VpCI 126 Blue How is a VpCI 126 Blue bag good for sustainability? –Environment Eliminates oils that need to be disposed of Recyclable User friendly VpCI chemistry –Economic Viability Lower cost than other options, including rust/replacement of parts –Socially acceptable Meets RoHS, REACH, other social/legal requirements Question: What if VpCI 126 was made of biobased and biodegradable plastic, instead of polyethylene?
Offering Eco Benefits from Cortec 1.Do NOT ignore performance Examples: Bio-Corr offers longer protection than many oils VpCI 395 offers 10+ years in immersion MCI 2005/2006/NS delays corrosion onset by a factor of 5, and rate by 50% 2.Focus on CUSTOMER initiatives Examples: Caterpillar sought VOC below 4 lb/gal, were below 1 lb/gal! VpCI 609 for direct marine disposal
Offering Eco Benefits from Cortec 3.Focus on entire lifecycle Example: Eco-Corr offers additional disposal option VpCI 377 is non-flammable during storage BioCorr is based on less volatile RM price 4.Keep it simple Example: What makes more sense: using million year old oil for your 2-6 month preservation need, or using water and soybean oil?
Product Availability Soybean EcoLine: Lubricant, Cutting, LTRP, Roller/Chain, C/D, Grease, Food Machinery Bio-Corr: Dry-to-touch, indoor up to 2 years VpCI 629 Bio: Oil field inhibitor—brine, water, crude VpCI 705 Bio: Stabilizer/RP for empty/full, bio-diesel/ethanol S-14 Bio: Scale/RP, cooling towers, recirc; building block MCI EcoCure: Surface applied curing agent/sealer
Product Availability Rapeseed/Canola EcoLine 3220: light film inhibitor, ready-to-use EcoLine 3690: heavier film (like 369), extreme RP
Product Availability Corn Eco Works: Films, bags, sheeting Eco-Corr (new): VpCI films, bags, sheeting EcoClean Dispersant 600: oil spills/sea water, removes film Orange Peel VpCI 411: Heavy duty cleaner/degreaser VpCI 422/423: Rust remover/gel Coconut Oil BioClean 610: Water-dilutable (or neat), cleaning surfaces
Product Availability Sugar Beet MCI 2005: Liquid admixture to protect rebar MCI 2005 Gel: Gel version injection for cracks MCI 2005 NS: Normal set version MCI 2006: Powdered admixture MCI 2006 NS: Normal set version
Familiar Products & Systems VpCI 377: Zero-VOC, water-based VpCI 374/386: Coatings system CorrVerter: Water-based rust converter VpCI 395: NEW water-based primer/TC
“Hot Buttons” for Eco Products 1.New regulations REACH, RoHS, Marin Disposal, Biodegradability/Compostability EPA/Global Equivalents 2.VOC Levels Many companies restrict VOCs beyond legal req’s By lowering VOC levels, may lower permit costs Suggestion: VOC reductions for 6 Sigma Green Belt 3.Coatings systems Major successes in oil/gas, manufacturing, even Disneyland!
Summary Many of us offer “eco” products without even knowing it. Remember to focus on PERFORMANCE and TOTAL LIFECYCLE to find saleable benefits. Cortec offers many resources—testing, brochures, case studies—to help you!