PURPOSE 1.Helps focus and research the business’s development development 2.Provides framework for strategies over the next 3-5 years 3.Basis for discussion with third parties (shareholders, agencies, banks, investors…) (shareholders, agencies, banks, investors…) 4. Benchmark (actual performance can be measured and reviewed)
1.Vision 2.Mission 3.Objectives 4.Values 5.Goals
VISION Picture of the business in 3 or more years time (what it wants to be) future products future products markets markets customers customers processes processes location location staffing etc staffing etc
Vision statement To be the best bank in South East Europe and make contribution in the development in the whole region. To be the best bank in South East Europe and make contribution in the development in the whole region.
MISSION 1. Describes the business 1. Describes the business 2. Inspires the people who contribute to its 2. Inspires the people who contribute to its success success What business are we really in? What type of business do we want to be? What is our target market? What inspires us? (“to be the best”, “the highest quality”, “in the world”)
Mission statement To be the region’s leading bank To offer financial products tailored to suit various needs various needs To ensure adequate reward for our employees employees
STRATEGIES ( RULES BY WHICH THE VISION / MISSION / OBJECIVES MAY BE ACHIEVED) Diversification Organic growth Acquisition plans SWOT analysis: building on strengths resolving weaknesses resolving weaknesses exploiting opportunities exploiting opportunities avoiding threats avoiding threats
GOALS Realistic Achievable MarketProductsFinancesProfitabilityEfficiency
STRUCTURE& CONTENT OF A BUSINESS PLAN 1.Introduction table of contents 2. Executive summary (business description): Overview of your industry (vision, mission, goals) Description of products/services Labour requirements The market (customers, size and trends, competition) Market opportunity (method of sales, advertising and promotion) Management (ownership, Board of Directors, support services) Financials (financial statements, profitability) 3. Conclusion
Prepare with your team a plan for a business you agree to launch. Try to convince your colleagues to invest in your project. 1.The type / objectives of the business 2.Products / Services offered 3.Premises 4.Personnel / Staff 5.Equipment required 6.Market analysis / competition / opportunity / penetration 7.Marketing / Advertising / Sales 8.Finance
Study the ways how to create a Business Plan Study the ways how to create a Business Plan Study the ways how to create a Business Plan