BACKGROUND The MAFISA (Micro Agricultural Finance Institutions of South Africa) Programme Gauteng Province All types of agricultural businesses Financially assist with all agricultural production inputs and small farm equipment Each individual qualifies for up to a maximum of R at 8% fixed interest rate Length of repayment is determined by business cash flows and period of land ownership (Landlord or leased)
PROCEDURE AND PROCESS Client must have land or processing facility for operation (it could be owned or leased) Client submit an application form Following documents should also be attached to the application Business plan Company registration documents Tax clearance certificate Copies of I.D 3 year business financial statements if it’s an existing business Projected cash flow to duration of application Personal profile/C.V Farm assessment and soil analysis report 3 months bank statement
TARGET MARKET Small landholder farmers Land and agrarian reform beneficiaries/projects Small/micro and medium enterprises and rural micro entrepreneurs Farm workers Farm tenants 2 nd economy farmers that have difficulty in accessing finance (Un bankable). Funded projects include contracts, start-ups, growth/expansions and franchises
FUNDED PROJECTS Start-ups Growth/expansions Franchises Contracts
Due Diligence Technical Committee Credit Committee Approval Contract Disbursement (Payment to Supplier not Client) PROCEDURE AND PROCESS
THANK YOU!! GEP : Dingi : Thabo :