“O England! Model to the inward greatness, Like little body with a mighty heart…” - William Shakespeare
Renaissance is a French word for “rebirth” Characterized by the renewal of learning from classical works (Ancient Greek and Roman Texts) and a desire to pass on knowledge to create a better educated future generation Renaissance Man is a term derived from this era for an extremely productive person, well versed in multiple different disciplines The Renaissance began in Italy due to considerable wealth earned in banking and trade with the East
Humanists sought to answer questions involving life as they knew it: What is a human being? What is a good life? How do I lead a good life? Wanted to use classic knowledge to strengthen Christianity, not discredit it.
Creation of the printing press makes books far more accessible in Europe and England King Henry the VII brings peace to England, which allows for a cultural renaissance England gains its own national and religious identity, which enabled English writers to create like never before Elizabeth I is a patron of literature, and inspires many authors herself
“…English people resent the financial burdens imposed on them by the Vatican – the pope, after all, was a foreign power in far-off Italy.” News of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses reaches English people – There are ways to change the church! King Henry the VIII creates Church of England, severing all ties with the Roman Catholic Church England defeats the Spanish Armada in 1588, ensures the safety of England and changes history forever
Shaped the world in which we now live today (Had Spanish Armada not been defeated, we could be speaking Spanish!) America’s roots can literally be traced to this time period- from its discovery to the protestants of this era being some of the first “American” settlers Literary elements and formats of today are descended from this era