To Test or Not to Test?...that is the question! By: Sandy Church and Linda Lerch.


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Presentation transcript:

To Test or Not to Test?...that is the question! By: Sandy Church and Linda Lerch

That’s not the real question… T he real question is… Why do we test? And why use formative assessments?

Today’s Objectives Communicate the importance of formative assessment Distinguish between formative, benchmark, and summative assessment Share with others how formative assessment fits into a balanced assessment system

What Are The Key Words? Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students, during instruction, that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes.

What is Our Goal? To provide evidence that will guide and inform daily instruction To actively involve all students in the teaching/learning process To narrow the achievement gap between low and high achievers

What is it?  Assessments to drive / inform instruction  Assessments for learning  Gives descriptive feedback to students about their learning  NOT GRADED…Not used as accountability How often do we use this type of assessment?  Daily  Weekly  During instruction Who uses these results?  Teachers  Students  Parents (when applicable) Examples  Whiteboards  Response cards  Personal response systems  Whole class discussion  Observations  Teacher / student conference  Thumbs up – Thumbs down  PDSA quiz (if not graded) Formative Assessments Assessments to drive / inform instruction Assessments for learning Gives descriptive feedback to students about their learning NOT GRADED…Not used as accountability How often do we use this type of assessment? Daily Weekly During instruction

Who uses these results? Teachers Students Parents (when applicable) What are Some Examples Whiteboards Response cards Personal response systems Whole class discussion Observations Teacher / student conference Thumbs up – Thumbs down PDSA quiz (if not graded)

Who uses these results?  School leaders  District officials  Curriculum specialists  Teachers  Students and parents  PLCs Examples  PAs  CFAs  PDSA Quiz (if graded)  Quarterly Writing  K-2 Literacy  Weekly test Benchmark Assessments Used to determine how much learning has taken place up to a particular point in time Used to identify learning issues for targeted groups Used to assign grades and communicate progress May determine how well a program / strategies / curriculum is working How often do we use this type of assessment? Given periodically throughout the year Between and among instructional units

Who uses these results? School Leaders District Officials Curriculum Specialists Teachers Students and Parents PLCs What are Some Examples PAs CFAs PDSA Quiz (if graded) Quarterly Writing K-2 Literacy Weekly Test

Summative Assessments Annual “snapshots” of learning Shows evidence of student learning for the year Determine the effectiveness of instruction, strategies, or curriculum How often do we use this type of assessment? Annually Bi-annually As close to the end of year End of unit study

Who uses these results? School Board Members Legislators District Staff Teachers Students and Parents PLCs What are Some Examples Unit Tests EOG K-2 Last Quarter PA Any Cumulative Final Assessment (End of Year)

Components Of A Balanced Assessment System Formative Assessments Benchmark Assessments Summative Assessments

Where am I Going? Where am I Now? How Do I Close the Gap?

NC FALCON North Carolina’s Formative Assessment Learning Community’s Online Network

To provide North Carolina teachers with a basic understanding of formative assessment and illustrate the role it should play in a comprehensive, balanced assessment system A comprehensive, balanced assessment system includes formative assessment, interim/benchmark assessments, and statewide assessments that are aligned to state standards. Formative assessment is an essential component of this system because it forms the foundation of teaching and learning and should occur more often than any other assessment.

In contrast to summative assessment, formative assessment is focused on collaboration in the classroom and identifying learning gaps during instruction that can be addressed before end-of-year, summative assessments. The activities teachers will be asked to complete during the modules include the following: reflect upon current practice using digital journals observe other teachers using formative assessment practice implementing formative assessment in the classroom develop and implement formative assessment plans, and post comments in the online Professional Learning Community (PLC)

NC FALCON is intended to serve as a primer for teachers to learn more about the impact formative assessment can have on their instruction and help their students achieve targeted learning goals. Whether a beginning or seasoned teacher, the NC FALCON formative assessment modules provide a solid framework on which to build effective formative assessment practices in the classroom. Implementing these strategies provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning that will improve students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes.

NC Falcon’s 5 Modules 1. Importance of Formative Assessment 2. Clear Learning Targets 3. Collecting and Documenting Evidence 4. Analyzing Evidence and Descriptive Feedback 5. Administrator's Role in Formative Assessment

DPI Models Process for LEA Formative Assessment Committee LEA Formative Assessment Committee Participate in the Process of the Online Module DPI and LEA Discuss the Monitoring and Evaluation Process

Now For A Self-Assessment Activity Categorize the different types of assessments into 3 different columns on the next slide. Use your mouse and click on a description box, release and move it to the correct column, click again to set it. When you are finished, manually advance to the next slide to see how well you did on the self assessment activity. We will check these as a Share Out at the end.

Questioning Self-Assessment Activity FormativeBenchmarkSummative Interviews Writing Tests NC End-of-GradeNC End-of-CourseEnd of Unit TestVocabulary Quiz Teacher or Textbook Quizzes, Tests English Language Proficiency Test Student Reflections/ Journals 9 Weeks or Quarterly Assessments Mid-term Assessments Teacher-Student Conference Un-graded Classwork or Homework Teacher Observations Technology Test Graded Role PlayDiscussions Descriptive Feedback Learning Activities

Self-Assessment Activity FormativeBenchmarkSummative Writing Tests Student Reflections/ Journals NC End-of-Grade NC End-of-Course English Language Proficiency Test Teacher or Textbook Quizzes, Tests Vocabulary Quiz End of Unit Test 9 Weeks or Quarterly Assessments Mid-term Assessments Teacher-Student Conference Un-graded Classwork or Homework Teacher Observations Technology Test Graded Role Play Discussions Descriptive Feedback Learning Activities Questioning Interviews So…How did you do? The correct answers do not have to be in a particular order but they must be under the correct category.

Reflection We value your feedback Exit card today will be to post Plus/Delta feedback