Forensic Science Observation Skills
OBSERVATION AND AWARENESS TEST ?funny ad awareness test?? – YouTube Stop at 25 seconds How many did you count?
Forensic Investigator Important skills: observe, interpret, and report observations clearly Identify and record evidence Determine its significance AFTER collected The first step is CAREFUL OBSERVATION Consciously paying attention to the details of your surroundings Our brains do not naturally do this—they automatically filter out what we deem unimportant
Activity Each row of two tables will have 1 forensic investigator and 3 observers Pick your investigator now
Observation vs. Perception 3 sides to every story Limited, and may not accurately reflect what is really there Our brains fill in information that is not really there. Arocdnicg to rsceearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm. Tihs is buseace the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
What Influences Observation Skills? Emotional state Anxiety, fear, happy, upset, depressed Alone or with a group of people Number of people or animals in the area Activities going on around you This is how conflicting statements from witnesses arise Different descriptions of bank robbers Where were you on 9/11? People will stick to what they think they saw, even after they have been shown that it is impossible Ex)Ronald Cotton 20/20 Interview
HOW TO BE A GOOD OBSERVER 1. Examine your environment systematically We know we are not naturally inclined to pay attention to all of the details of our surroundings What is your system? 2. Train yourself to turn off your “filters” Observe everything at a crime scene, as you do not know what will be important …be data gathering robots
HOW TO BE A GOOD OBSERVER 3. Do not interpret or make conclusions until all evidence has been gathered and processed Don’t make the evidence fit YOUR hypothesis or interpretation, let the evidence create your hypothesis 4. Document and photograph all the information. This is very important when investigators are trying to reconstruct the crime scene. Also, a judge will not accept evidence that has not been properly documented and photographed
WHAT FORENSIC SCIENTISTS DO Find, examine and evaluate evidence from a crime scene Act as expert witnesses for the prosecution lawyers What skills should they possess? Analytical skills Patience Deductive Reasoning (verify facts) EX) Sherlock Holmes
CASE STUDIES Carlo Ferrier (1831) 15 yr old Italian immigrant Money exchanged for corpses (natural causes of death) at King’s College in London Three men sentenced to death Evidence: body was fresh, no marks except for back of neck (blow to back of head), police noticed soft earth in back yard of one of the three men that were questioned The victim’s bloody clothes were buried there
CASE STUDIES Michael Evans and Paul Terry (Florida) Convicted of rape and murder of Lisa Cabassa Based on faulty eyewitness testimony August 2003, 27 years later, DNA evidence proved their innocence.
CASE STUDIES Frank Lee Smith Florida death row inmate Convicted of 1986 rape and murder of an 8 year old child No physical evidence found, eyewitness testimony 4 years after the crime, she recanted her testimony, saying she was pressured by police to testify against him Prosecutors refused a post conviction DNAtest He died of cancer in 2000. A DNA test was performed after his deathand he was exonerated
Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes: The True Story