Welcome APT Reps APT Representative Council March 3, 2014
LCAP & LCFF Local Control Accountability Plan and Local Control Funding Formula
LCAP Needs Assessment- PUSD Eight Priority Areas from the State Basic Services/Conditions Implementation of Common Core State Standards Parent Involvement Pupil Achievement Pupil Engagement School Climate Course Access Other Pupil Outcomes
LCAP Needs Assessment Format Each of the 8 areas has guiding questions that we have included as discussion questions. What We Know What services and/or actions should be improved or increased to promote student achievement?
Good and Bad Examples Basic Conditions/Services: Recruit and maintain highly qualified teachers and other certificated support personnel by offering competitive salaries and H & W benefits. We need a raise because we do all the work and CCSS is a lot more work.
Good and Bad Examples Implementation of State Standards Provide compensated time for teachers to develop CCSS lessons. Establish teacher elected site committees to assess, assist, and determine with appropriate professional development training on CCSS. P.D. days are a waste of time for me. I want better training.
Good and Bad Examples Parent Involvement Allocate funds to hire, train, and maintain a parent liaison at each school site responsible for the maintenance and enhancement of parent centers and parent outreach. Parents need to help their students more at home with homework and be better parents.
Good and Bad Examples Pupil Achievement Discontinue the use of OARS and allocate funds for PUSD teacher committees to create new grade level DIAs, based on the Smarter Balanced Digital Library resources available from the State. Recruit and maintain technology teachers at k-12 to increase student proficiency levels w/ Technology Teacher aides in all classrooms
Good and Bad Examples Pupil Engagement Maintain and recruit highly qualified VAPA, CTE, and S.S. elective teachers at secondary level to increase student interest, participation and engagement. These are a few examples to help you start conversations at your site. The APT LCAP survey is also available online on at the APT web page at aptctanea.org Thank you for your advocacy and representation!