Howard Gardner’s Logan Gordon Kellie Kelsch Clint Mason
Human Intelligence Intelligence, or IQ, is a score derived from several different standardized tests designed to assess intelligence.
Howard Gardner Born July 11, 1943 American developmental psychologist who Is a professor of Cognition and Education at Harvard University. Has a theory of multiple intelligences. It states not only do human beings have several different ways of learning and processing information, but these methods are relatively different from one another.
Gardner’s 8 Intelligences Linguistic Intelligence Logical/Mathematical Musical Intelligence Bodily Spatial Intelligence Interpersonal Intelligence Intrapersonal Intelligence Naturalist
Linguistic Intelligence The intelligence of language and communication. The ability to speak, articulate, express, and convey thoughts and feelings to the outside world. Able to communicate there views in a clear, strong and refined manner. Poets are fine examples of great linguistic intelligence.
Logical / Mathematical Intelligence Excellent problem solving skills, enjoys thinking about abstract ideas, likes conducting scientific experiments. Potential career choices for ones with this thinking would be a scientific, mathematician, computer programmer, engineer, and accountant.
Musical Intelligence Show sensitivity to rhythm, melody, and sound. May tend to study with music on in the background, play an instrument, or notice non- verbal sounds in the environment. Tend to learn more easily if sung or tapped out.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Enjoy movement and communicate well through body language and physical activity. They excel at hands-on learning Process knowledge through bodily sensations- moving, touching, manipulation, role plays, or creative movements.
Spatial Intelligence Think in terms of physical space and thinks in images and pictures. They learn best through drawing, designs, and imagery. Likes jigsaw puzzles, films, diagrams, maps, and charts.
Interpersonal Intelligence Enjoy interaction with others. Learns best through group activities. Have a sensitivity to facial expressions, voice and gestures. They understand and care about people better. Love to socialize
Intrapersonal Intelligence In touch with ones feelings, moods, and motivations. Have an accurate picture of personal strengths and limitations, and capacity for self discipline. Learn best through independent study and introspection.
Naturalistic Intelligence Understands the natural world including plants, animals, and scientific studies. Able to recognize and classify individuals, species, and ecological relationships. Interact effectively with living creatures and see patterns of life and natural forces.
These 8 intelligences are rarely used independently. They are used at the same time and tend to compliment each other.