Hi! You need: Pencil/pen Journal Zeitoun Journal 12/11/14: On Monday, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released a report on the C.I.A.’s torture practices from Within in the report, many gruesome crimes are described in detail. D, C, Q: Politicians, intelligence officials, and war officials should not be held responsible for crimes committed during times of war.
Agenda: Journal: Torture Report Study Hall – Be productive; you have a lot on your plate. Journal Explode (due tomorrow) Finish reading Zeitoun (due tomorrow) Take Home Test (due Monday) Prepare for Unit 2 Timed Writing (Synthesis, use all 4 unit readings) Homework: – Finish Zeitoun by Friday – Next journal explode = due 12/12 (Friday) – Take Home Test due Monday – Study Group: every Thursday When you leave you will have: -composed an argument in regards to a current event. -written text-based questions to show depth of reading and analysis.
Group Rhetorical Analysis RHETORICAL DEVICE: Evidence of it in use:How does this device contribute to the tone? Effect it creates:How does this device help accomplish their purpose for writing?
Hi! You need: Pencil/pen Journal A Raisin in the Sun Journal 12/11/14: On Monday, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released a report on the C.I.A.’s torture practices from Within in the report, many gruesome crimes are described in detail. D, C, Q: Politicians, intelligence officials, and war officials should not be held responsible for crimes committed during times of war.
Agenda: Journal: Torture Report A Raisin in the Sun – Review Theme Tracker – How to write a literary analysis thesis – How to write an Outline – Time to work, turn in outline Learning Log (12/8-12/12): What do you need help with (so far) in regards to your literary analysis paper? Homework: – Outline due by the start of class tomorrow. – Next journal explode = due 12/19 When you leave you will have: -analyzed how a theme is developed over the course of a text.