MLA Format What YOU need to know!
What IS it? Modern Language Association Format for citing (giving proper credit for) information used in papers that IS NOT YOUR OWN INFORMATION! Most commonly used format in the liberal arts, humanities. Something you need to know if you don’t want to be accused of plagiarism!
Your Paper... Name, teacher, class, and date in the top, left corner. Last name, page number at top right of each page (except the first page). Centered title Double-spaced Size 12-Font
Your Paper... Works Cited "Blueprint Lays Out Clear Path for Climate Action." Environmental Defense Fund. Environmental Defense Fund, 8 May Web. 24 May Ebert, Roger. "An Inconvenient Truth." Rev. of An Inconvenient Truth, dir. Davis Guggenheim. Sun-Times News Group, 2 June Web. 24 May Mjadrah, Bro! Dir. Mister Palise. Perf. John Doe, Jane Doe. Dearborn High Productions, Film. Palise, Mister. How to Get an A in 11 th Grade English. Dearborn: Rouge River Press: Centered “Works Cited” title Hanging Indent (indent on each line after the first per entry) Double-spaced Entries in alphabetical order Size 12-Font MLA style date Last page of document
How does it all fit together? As of December 2000, twenty countries were restricting use of cell phones in moving vehicles (Sundeen 8). In the United States, it is highly unlikely that legislation could be passed on the national level, since traffic safety is considered a state and local issue. To date, only a few counties and towns have passed traffic laws restricting cell phone use. For example, in Suffolk County, New York, it is illegal for drivers to use a handheld phone for anything but an emergency call while on the road (Haughney A8). The first town to restrict use of handheld phones was Brooklyn, Ohio (Layton C9). Brooklyn, the first community in the country to pass a seat belt law, has once again shown its concern for traffic safety. Works Cited Haughney, Christine. “Taking Phones out of Drivers’ Hands.” Washington Post 5 Nov. 2000: A8. Print. Layton, Lyndsey. “Legislators Aiming to Disconnect Motorists.” Washington Post 10 Dec. 2000: C1+ Print. Sundeen, Matt. “Cell Phones and Highway Safety: 2000 State Legislative Update.” National Conference of State Legislatures. Natl. Conf. of State Legislatures, Dec Web. 27 Feb
Books with 1 author... What information do you need? NAME OF AUTHOR (Last name, First name. Followed by a period) TITLE OF BOOK (underlined, followed by period) PLACE OF PUBLICATION (followed by colon) NAME OF PUBLISHER (followed by comma) YEAR OF PUBLICATION (most recent, followed by period)
Where to find the info... Publisher Works Cited Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York: Del Ray Books, Year of Publication Place of Publication
Books with 2 or 3 Authors... Works Cited Mortenson, Greg, and David Oliver Relin. Three Cups of Tea. New York: Penguin Group, What information do you need? NAMES OF AUTHORS First author: last name, followed by first name Second+ authors: first name followed by last name (each author separated by commas) TITLE OF BOOK (underlined, followed by period) PLACE OF PUBLICATION (followed by colon) NAME OF PUBLISHER (followed by comma) YEAR OF PUBLICATION (most recent, followed by period)
Movies... What information do you need? TITLE OF MOVIE (underlined, followed by period) DIRECTOR (Dir., followed by name, followed by period) PERFORMERS (Perf., followed by names, separated by commas, followed by period) PRODUCTION COMPANY NAME (followed by comma) YEAR OF PRODUCTION (followed by period) FORMAT (Followed by a period) (Film? DVD? Video? ) The Crucible. Dir. Nicholas Hytner. Perf. Daniel Day-Lewis, Winona Ryder, and Paul Scofield. Twentieth Century Fox, DVD.
Website... Works Cited Jenkins, Henry. “Bearings.” MIT Communications Forum. 19 February MIT. 16 June What information do you need? AUTHOR (followed by period) TITLE OF SHORT WORK (in quotations, with a period) TITLE OF WEBSITE (underlined, followed by period) DATE OF PUBLICATION (MLA style date, followed by period) SPONSOR OF SITE (followed by period) DATE OF ACCESS (MLA style date) URL (surrounded by carots, followed by a period)
Citations... When should I cite? Paraphrasing = NO Plagiarism YOU SHOULD ALWAYS CITE WHEN USING INFORMATION THAT IS NOT YOUR OWN! Citation? Quotation Marks? My ideas & my words Someone else’s ideas & my words Someone else’s ideas & someone else’s words NO YESNO YES Citations connect your information to your works cited!
How to cite... With Author: Signal Phrase The author, Mr. Palise, believes that students who bring him pizza will receive an A in his class (10). Non-Signal Phrase When students bring pizza for the teacher, they’re very likely to receive an A (Palise 10). Without Author (from website or movie): Students that bring breakfast to their teacher, usually earn an A (Pizza, Bro!). Without Author, With Signal-Phrase The movie Pizza, Bro! explains that students who bring pizza to their teacher will earn A’s. You’ll need... An Author (or title, when no author exists) A Page Number (if applicable) (author page number) (Palise 22)
Practice... Book Title: A Guide To Being an 11th Grader at DHS Author: Mister Palise Publisher: Outer Drive Press Location: Dearborn Year: 2010 Palise, Mister. A Guide To Being an 11 th Grader at DHS. Dearborn: Outer Drive Press, 2010.
Practice... Book Title: How to Convince Your Parents to Buy You a Car Author: Mister Palise and Missus Podsiad Publisher: Outer Drive Press Location: Michigan Year: 2001 Palise, Mister, and Missus Podsiad. How to Convince Your Parents to Buy You a Car. Michigan: Outer Drive Press, 2001.
Practice... Article Title: Top 10 Things to do Before You Graduate Title of Website: Class of 2012 Date of Website Creation: January 1, 1994 Sponsor of Site: DHS Student Council Date of Access: December 9, 2010 Site URL: “Top 10 Things to do Before You Graduate.” Class of January DHS Student Council. 9 December
Practice... Movie Title: The DHS Highlight Reel Director: Mr. Baughman Actors: Mister Palise, Missus Podsiad, Mizz Polk Production Company: Rouge River Productions Year: 2010 The DHS Highlight Reel. Dir. Mr. Baughman. Perf. Mister Palise, Missus Podsiad, and Mizz Polk. Rouge River Productions, 2010.
Homework... FINISH PRACTICE EXERCISES Complete an MLA format works cited page that includes each of these sources.
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