Officers For Year Matthew Higdon- President Riley Smith- Vice President Alexus Sweat- Secretary Claire Samuels- Event Coordinator Valerie Richmond- Reporter
Bylaws and Guidelines for BGJHS BETA BGJHS Junior BETA will meet once every month. A fee of $3 dollars per student will be due on October 29 th. Give money to homeroom teachers. A overall GPA of 3.5 must be maintained to stay in BETA club. Each member must participated in at least 1 school-sponsored service project each year.
Bylaws and Guidelines for BGJHS BETA (cont’d) Each member must complete 10 hours of community service each school year. (5 hours in school/ 5 hours outside of school) For community service hour sheet visit BETA club website.
Service Projects 1 of 2 service projects for the fall. 1 st service project will be the YSC Penny Drive. 2 nd service project is decorating Christmas cards for local nursing home. Then there will be two undecided projects in the spring. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ONE SERVICE PROJECT!!!
WE NEED YOU We need 6 th and 7 th grade representatives for each team. If you are interested please sign the sheet that is coming around. You will be chosen by your team teachers.
POINT SYSTEM You are required to have 5 in school points, and 5 out of school points. Ways to get out of school points: Volunteer at salvation army, book fair, nursing home, mow or rake leaves, humane society, food drive. There is a paper on the club website that you are required to fill out with your service hours. Hour sheets are turned in to Ms. Pugh’s classroom in Claire’s AWESOME box. (A5)
???????? Questions Anyone?