Thoughtful Part ||| to Part |V: Prepare for it --by WJF
Thoughtful Text structure analysis Main Idea of the parts ? How to prepare for earthquakes.
Thoughtful Para. 3 Besides working to improve building structures, people in areas where earthquakes are common need to prepare for the possibility of a great earthquake. They should regularly check and reinforce their homes, place heavy objects in low positions, attach cupboards and cabinets to walls, and fasten doors so that they will not open accidentally during an earthquake.attach cupboards and cabinets to walls prepare their house: check/reinforce homes … place heavy objects … attach cupboards & cabinets … fasten doors …
Thoughtful Para. 4a In addition to preparing their houses, people in these regions need to prepare themselves. They should have supplies of water and food at home and at work. It is best to store several gallons of water per person. It is also important to have something that can clean water and kill bacteria, so water from other sources can be made safe to drink. prepare themselves: survival supplies — water and food.
Thoughtful Para. 4b Store one week’s food for each person. Earthquake survival supplies include a radio receiver, a torch, extra batteries, first aid supplies, a spade, a tent, some rope, and warm clothing. Experts also suggest the following: radio receiver, torch, extra batteries, first-aid supplies, spade, tent, rope, clothing, fire extinguisher, auxiliary cooking and heating source, heavy shoes or boots. prepare themselves:
Thoughtful Para. 5a Keep a fire extinguisher handy. You should have one at home, at work, and in your car (if you have one). The fire extinguisher should be able to put out any type of fire. Have the proper tools to turn off gas and water lines if necessary. Arrange an auxiliary cooking and heating source that can be used outside. One alternative is a portable camp stove with small cans of gas. keep a fire extinguisher handy.
Thoughtful Para. 5b Keep a pair of heavy, comfortable shoes or boots in your home, at work, and in your vehicle. If there is an earthquake, there will be lots of fragments of broken glass. Light shoes will not protect your feet as well as heavy shoes will. keep a fire extinguisher handy.
Thoughtful Para. 6a Every family needs to have earthquake emergency plans. How will family members leave the area during the chaos following an earthquake? Everyone should agree on a meeting point outside of the area—perhaps in a town several miles away. Also important is an arrangement for family members to communicate if there is an earthquake.agree on Make earthquakes emergency plans.
Thoughtful Para. 6b If an earthquake happens in a large city, many of the telephone lines within the city are likely to be down. The few remaining working lines will be busy with the calls that naturally occur after a disaster and it will be difficult to call from one part of the city to another. It might, however, be possible to call outside the city. A sensible arrangement is to have all of the members of the family call to check in with a friend or relative who lives more than a hundred miles away.are likely to check in with Make earthquakes emergency plans.
Thoughtful Para. 7a Although scientists still cannot predict earthquakes, they are learning a great deal about how the large plates in the Earth’s crust move, the stresses between plates, how earthquakes work, and the general probability that a given place will have an earthquake. Someday soon it may actually become possible to predict earthquakes with accuracy. Education concerning how to survive an earthquake.
Thoughtful Para. 7b However, even if prediction becomes possible, people who live in areas where earthquakes are a common occurrence will still have to do their best to prevent disasters by building structures that are resistant to ground movement and by being personally prepared. These precautions can make a great difference in saving lives and preventing the loss of homes. Education concerning how to survive an earthquake should be a major emphasis for all government programs and earthquake-related research projects.make a great difference Education concerning how to survive an earthquake.
Thoughtful Text understanding Answer the following questions: 1. What have the scientists done in Japan in order to detect movement? 2. What have the Chinese people traditionally done about earthquakes?
Thoughtful Text understanding 3. How are most of the people killed in earthquakes? 4. What do architects do to prevent property damage? 5. What should people in areas where earthquakes are common do to prepare their houses?
Thoughtful Text understanding 6. Why are people in these regions suggested to prepare something that can clean water and kill bacteria? 7. What is the sensible way to keep all the family members informed of each other in a large earthquake-stricken city?
Thoughtful Text understanding 8. What should be a major emphasis for all government programs and earthquake-related research projects?
Thoughtful Discussion or oral report 1.What do you know about the formation of an earthquake? 2.Share a story about earthquakes that impress you most. 3.What will you do to get well prepared for an earthquake?
Thoughtful Thank you!!
Thoughtful 短 语 应 用 Back 意 群 提 示 短语逆译短语逆译 新视野 - 短 语 活 用 N H C E Your chief hobby reveals in part what you attach more of weight to. 你的主要业余爱好, 在某种程度上可以揭 示你更看重什么。
Thoughtful There being no more for them to agree on, both sides decided to break off the negotiation. 短 语 应 用 Back 意 群 提 示 既然再也达不成更多 的共识,双方决定中 止谈判。 短语逆译短语逆译 新视野 - 短 语 活 用 N H C E
Thoughtful N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 活 用 Only when you learn to forge ahead in adversity are you likely to know the true meaning of life. 只有当你学会在逆境 中前行,你才有可能 懂得人生的真谛。 短语逆译短语逆译 短 语 应 用 Back 意 群 提 示
Thoughtful 短语逆译短语逆译 短 语 应 用 Back 意 群 提 示 N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 活 用 He checked in with the blind date, only to find that things did not check with what the matchmaker had boasted. 他和初次要约会的对 象取得了联系,却发 现情形和媒人吹嘘的 不符。
Thoughtful 短 语 应 用 Back 意 群 提 示 短语逆译短语逆译 新视野 - 短 语 活 用 N H C E The temptations around make such a great difference to his studies that he does things unrelated to his major business day and night. 周围的诱惑对他学习 影响很大,致使他整 天不务正业。