I I Literal Gates 1. Most gates used double doors Usually made of wood (Neh.2:3) The gate was weakest part of a city’s defense; often plated w. metal (Is.45:2)


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Presentation transcript:

I I Literal Gates 1. Most gates used double doors Usually made of wood (Neh.2:3) The gate was weakest part of a city’s defense; often plated w. metal (Is.45:2) Ac.3:2

2. The gate was especially subject to attack, Ezk.21:11 To “possess the gate” was to possess the city (Gn.22:17) It was protected by a tower (Neh.3:26) An inner gate added extra security (2 Sm.18:24)

3. Doors were secured w. a bar Usually of wood (Nah.3:13) Sometimes metal Bronze, 1 K.4:13 Iron, Ps.107:16 4. Gates were closed at night 4. Gates were closed at night (Josh.2:5, 7) Jg.16:3

5. Markets were held at various gates Sheep gate, Neh.3:1 sheep Fish gate, Neh.3:3 Horse gate, Neh.3:28 6. Gates were civic centers of the city 6. Gates were civic centers of the city (Gn.19:1; Ru.4:1)

7. Elders sat in gates to administer justice Gn.23:10, 18, first legal transaction Pro.31:23

8. Kings sat at gates to make legal decisions 2 Sm.15:1-2 When Jerusalem fell… (Jer.39:3) “Oppression in the gates” is a synonym for judicial corruption (Pro.22:22; Am.5:15)

9. Priests and prophets delivered discourses at the gate Pro.1:21; Je.17: Condemned criminals were executed outside city gates 10. Condemned criminals were executed outside city gates Jn.19: ; Ac.7:58

II II Spiritual Gates 1. Gate of eternal destiny 1. Gate of eternal destiny, Mt.7:13f Gn.28:17 (31:41-42) Jesus contrasted wide and narrow Broad main gate accommodated many people and possessions Narrow ones... only a person

2. Gate of victory, 2. Gate of victory, Mt.16:18 Ps.9:13; Is.38:10 Gates of Hades prevailed over all other human activities Death will not prevail... Mt.16:21-22; Ac.2:24, 31 Mt.16:24-27

3. Gate of temptation, Mt.26:71 It is hypocritical to follow Jesus while warming our hands at the enemy’s fire Mt.6:13; 26:41 A child of God on the downward road usually falls fast and far

4. Gate of opportunity Benevolence, Lk.16:20 Who lies at your gate? Sick? (Mt.25) Needy? Ja.2:14-17 Evangelism, Ac.10:…17 Ac.16:13

5. Gate of sacrifice, Hb.13:10-14 Christians, not Jews Altar = metonymy for sacrifice Irony: they serve tent Partake of altar = to receive bene- fits of the sacrifice

Jesus suffered, Hb.10:12-13 Purpose: that He might sanctify… 9:13-14 (= Tit.2:14) Price: w. His own blood Place: outside the gate Lv.16:27 Jn.19:20 Treated as a sin bearer

Hb.13:13 Outside the camp (religious community of Israel) Once a place of reproach Jews cast Him out (Hb.12:2) Bearing His reproach Hb.11:26 1 Pt.4:14 Share insults intended for Him

Views of Jesus Jews: accursed (Ga.3:13) “Followers of the hung” Tacitus, Pliny, Suetonius described their faith as execrable, deadly, malefic superstition Lucian: “the impaled sophist”

6. Gates of jewels, Is.54:12; Rv.21: City, 2 – New Jerusalem (4, 6) Outside, 7-8 (true death) Warning, 27 Invitation, 22:14, 17