SMT Assembly & Rates, Take 2 (or 3?) Changes –Limited tents to Barrels 1&6, layers 1&3 (of 4) –Used Yuri’s tent numbers in addition to nominal tolerance.


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Presentation transcript:

SMT Assembly & Rates, Take 2 (or 3?) Changes –Limited tents to Barrels 1&6, layers 1&3 (of 4) –Used Yuri’s tent numbers in addition to nominal tolerance –Calculated for  z = 22 cm as well as  z = 30 cm Will show –pass rate for nominal tolerance –efficiency at fixed rate (nominal) –Plots over range of “nominal” for p T =1.5 GeV (have 3, infinite)

For calibration, consider an analytic case Assume gaussian,  =1, but in reality different  Make a cut at 2.0, and integrate outside. Make ratio, R, of areas for true  over  =1.0. Trigger increase is R 3 Trigger Rate  R Increase x x x

pT Det. Background Rel. Trigger IP Cut Effi/ Effi/ (GeV) Config Pass Frac(%) Rate Increase (micron) Tk(%) Evt  Ideal 4.5 = % Nominal 10 (10/4.5)^3 = % Distor. 14 (14/10)^3 = % 3.0 Ideal % Nominal % Distor. 12 [11] 2.4 [1.8] % 1.5 Ideal % Nominal % Distor. 10.[9.3] 2.4 [1.9] % Results for 30 cm Beam Spot (Trigger: 3 tracks, S>2) [] indicate different seed to geometry motions

pT Det. Background Rel. Trigger IP Cut Effi/ Effi/ (GeV) Config Pass Frac(%) Rate Increase (micron) Tk(%) Evt  Ideal 4.5% 70 76% 69% Nominal 10 11x Distor ?? Ideal Nominal Distor Ideal Nominal Distor Results for 22 cm Beam Spot (Trigger: 3 tracks, S>2)

Continuous Variation in “Nominal” Nominal nominal