The Word Within the Word Stem Lesson 3 Part 2 (stems 66-75)
Sentence example: His new novel was reviewed by the literary critic. meaning: again Sentence example: His new novel was reviewed by the literary critic.
Clue Words: return, review, retouch, reiterate, revive, regenerate, regurgitate
Regurgitate To vomit or rehash
67. hypo meaning: under Sentence example: The crash victims suffered hypothermia on the frozen tundra.
Clue Words: hypodermic, hypocrite, hypotenuse, hypothermia, hypothesis
Hypothesis An educated guess
68. pseudo meaning: false Sentence example: The amoeba uses its pseudopods to move across the surface.
Clue Words: pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudoscience, pseudoevent, pseudomorphic Jamie Foxx
Pseudonym A false name; a pen name
Clue Words: pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudoscience, pseudoevent, pseudomorphic Eric Bishop
Clue Words: pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudoscience, pseudoevent, pseudomorphic Marilyn Monroe
Clue Words: pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudoscience, pseudoevent, pseudomorphic Norma Jean Mortenson
Clue Words: pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudoscience, pseudoevent, pseudomorphic Meat Loaf
Clue Words: pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudoscience, pseudoevent, pseudomorphic Marvin Lee Aday
Clue Words: pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudoscience, pseudoevent, pseudomorphic Vanilla Ice
Clue Words: pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudoscience, pseudoevent, pseudomorphic Robert Van Winkle
69. neuro meaning: nerve Sentence example: The brain is said to contain over 100 billion neurons.
Clue Words: neuropsychologist, neuron, neurosurgeon, neurosis, neuralgia, neurology
Neurosis A mental disease
70. tomy meaning: cut Sentence example: The clown received an emergency appendectomy in the medical tent.
Clue Words: tonsillectomy, appendectomy, dichotomy, anatomy, lobotomy
Dichotomy Division into two parts
71. hema meaning: blood Sentence example: Iron ore is called hematite because of its deep red color.
Clue Words: hematic, hematite, hematology, hematoma
Hematoma A sac of blood, formed outside the vessels
Sentence example: Single-celled animals are known as the Protozoa. meaning: first Sentence example: Single-celled animals are known as the Protozoa.
Clue Words: protoplasm, prototype, Protozoa, proton, protohuman, protomorphic
Prototype The original model of something
Sentence example: Musicians play together in a symphony. meaning: sound Sentence example: Musicians play together in a symphony.
Clue Words: symphony, telephone, phonetic, phonograph, cacophony, euphonious
Euphonious pleasant in sound
74. mono meaning: one Sentence example: The radio announcer’s monotonous voice put me to sleep.
Clue Words: monotonous, monomania, monocle, monogamous, monotone, monolithic
Monotonous Lacking in variety; boring
Sentence example: Laws against vivisection prevent cruelty to animals. meaning: life Sentence example: Laws against vivisection prevent cruelty to animals.
Clue Words: vivid, vivisection, vivacious, revive
Vivacious Lively, energetic