MCTF Fermilab’s Muon Collider Task Force. MCTF - Shiltsev 2MCTF The need Charge/deliverables Current activities Research Directions/Org Structure First.


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Presentation transcript:

MCTF Fermilab’s Muon Collider Task Force

MCTF - Shiltsev 2MCTF The need Charge/deliverables Current activities Research Directions/Org Structure First practical steps

MCTF - Shiltsev 3 The need Muon Collider represents a possible long term path for extending the energy frontier in lepton collisions beyond 1 TeV - >1 TeV ILC may be too costly - >1 TeV CLIC is under development (‘til ~2010) To-date MCNFC progress and recent cooling ideas do affect the MC concept and have to be evaluated - identify their potential, technical questions - formulate R&D path for their development - “fresh look by accelerator experts” into MC design/issues

MCTF - Shiltsev 4Events  July 6, 2006: HEPAP AARD Subpanel (Ch.J.Marx) recommendation:  US commitment to MICE requires most of avail $$ in the US  Other aspects are being addressed  Recommend “… to restore the funding to the lecel of 4 to 5 years ago which was about twice the current funding level of 3.6 M$ from DoE. In addition there was 1.2M$ from the NSF during that period”.  July 12, 2006: P.Oddone initiates “Muon Collider Task Force”  S.Geer and V.Shiltsev to lead it  Charge (details below): Develop a plan to study “Cooling Channel and Collder Design Concept” Formulate a plan of “6D Cooling Channel R&D” Plan of “Component Development and Testing”, start design  Deliverables: brief report in Sep’06, progress reports in Sep’07 and Sep’08  July-Aug, 2006: MCTF started  ~20 people identified (growing), leaders named: Alexahin, Jansson, Lamm  ~two dozen meetings, discussions, seminars taken place or scheduled

MCTF - Shiltsev 5 MCTF Charge for Theory/Design  i) Taking into account recent developments in muon cooling ideas, develop a plan to form a design and simulation study group that will develop a coherent concept for a Muon Collider with a center-of-mass energy of 1.5 TeV, based upon a low emittance parameter set. The group’s focus should be to outline the general scheme, the parameter choices, and the 6D ionization cooling channel requirements to support a usable luminosity, and in addition identify the primary design challenges beyond the 6D cooling systems. Progress should be documented in reports in September 2007 and September The initial plan for creating the study group should include an estimate of the required Fermilab effort and the expected contributions from outside of Fermilab, and should be documented in a brief report in September 2006.

MCTF - Shiltsev 6 Cooling Channel and Collider Design Work  Yuri Alexahin leads this MCTF activity formally and intellectually  So far we are mostly learning/understanding from:  Rol Johnson and Bob Palmer – collider complex  Dave Neuffer – introduction into 6D cooling theory  Katsuya Yonehara – HCC tracking/simulations  Valery Balbekov – LiLens vs Solenoids/theory  (scheduled) Carol Johnstone on 5mm beta* MC optics  New developments:  Sasha Valishev - beam-beam effects near ½ integer (Q=0.503) allow Ksi ~0.3  Yuri Alexahin – new cooling channel optics arrangement (scheduled for next week)

MCTF - Shiltsev 7 MCTF Charge for Experimental R&D  ii) Prepare a one year study plan to (a) evaluate the technical feasibility of the components (rf cavities, magnets, absorbers, etc) needed for a muon collider class 6D cooling channel as identified in i), (b) identify the technical issues that must be addressed before a 6D cooling channel could be built, and (c) formulate a plan for the associated component R&D and 6D cooling tests that must be performed to establish basic viability of the cooling channel. The study plan should be documented in a short report in September The results of the one year study should be documented in a more detailed report in September  iii) (a) Prepare a plan to implement, in FY07, the beam and experimental setup required to test the high-gradient operation of a high-pressure gas-filled rf cavity operated in a multi-Tesla magnetic field and exposed to an ionizing beam. The implementation plan should be documented in a short report made available in September This plan should include a description of the measurements to be made, should be formulated in collaboration with Muons Inc, and should document the connection between these activities and charge elements i) and ii)

MCTF - Shiltsev 8 MCTF Experimental R&D Activities  Andreas Jansson leads this MCTF activity  Things we learned so far:  Rol Johnson – Muons Inc MTA activities  Alan Bross – MCNFC experiments at MTA  Katsuya Yonehara – HCC specs for 6DICE test  Graig Moore, Norm Gelfand, Steve Geer – possible muon sources at FNAL for 6DCool HCC experiment  (scheduled) C.Johnstone/C.Moore – proton beam line to MTA implementation plan  Actively working on:  (scheduled for next week) Andreas Jansson, Dan Broemmelsiek, N.Mokhov, et. al – getting muons from Linac  MTA

MCTF - Shiltsev 9 MCTF Charge for Magnets  iii (b) Design and prepare a plan to build, a helical solenoid suitable for a 6D cooling channel section test. The implementation plan should be described in a short report made available in September 2006, development in collaboration with Muons Inc. and documenting the connection between this activity and the charge elements in i) and ii). A complete prototype design and fabrication plan should be described in a concise report in September 2007  iii (c) Prepare an R&D plan to explore the feasibility of building a very high field (~50Tesla) high-Tc superconducting solenoid suitable for the final stages of a muon cooling channel for a Muon Collider. The R&D plan should be documented in a short report available in September 2006, including documenting the connection between this activities and charge elements i) and ii).

MCTF - Shiltsev 10 MCTF Magnet Activities  Mike Lamm leads this part of MCTF  So far we heard from:  Bob Palmer – three MC magnet R&D  Vladimir Kashikhin – two HCC magnet designs  Rol Johnson – Muons Inc MC magnet R&D plans  Steve Kahn – 50 T solenoid R&D issues/plans  Mike Lamm – outline of MCTF magnet plans

MCTF - Shiltsev 11 Outline for Helical Solenoid (tent.)  FY06  Tracking studies  Two designs under consideration Emphasis on magnetic design up to this point  FY07  Complete Conceptual Design and Tracking Studies  Design Comparison/Design Decision  Design and Prototype plan presented in Sept 2007 report  FY08  Build “engineering model”  Complete Engineering Design  FY09  Bids placed, prototype built in Industry  Test in IB1 (in sections)  Start Production Magnet

MCTF - Shiltsev 12 Outline for 50 T Solenoid (tent.)  Up to and Including FY06  Significant work done by Muons Inc. on Magnet Concept  Muons Inc supported work on HTS materials at Fermilab  Prepare plan for Sept 2006 report (ongoing)  FY07  Focus on Material Studies  5 T insert(s) suitable for SC R&D lab 16 T or 17 T Teslatron  Present Status of Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design as part of Sept 2007 report  FY08  Material Choice(s)  Develop Measurement equipment for Feasibility Study  Lower field prototype to study Design Feasibility  Engineering Design  FY09  Continued Material Studies  Bids placed, prototype built in Industry  Test in IB1

MCTF - Shiltsev 13 Outline of MCTF work in FY07 Conceptual Design: -Optics collider -Beam-beam in Coll -Injection/rad Coll -Racetrack -20GeV beam mnpl -Final mcool/Li?/res? -Main mcool/inj/extr -source/transport Cooling &MC DesignExperimental R&DMagnet R&D Coooling: -realistic modeling -inj/extr/transport -error sensitivity -radiation/diagn/RF -simul 6DHCC exper MTA & 6DHCC: -build MTA p-line -beam dump -MTA infrastructure -200/800 cavity test -absorber LH,He/LiH MTA: -m-production/cature -m-transport/match -m-diagnostics -HCC cryo/PSs/QPS -beam dump/radiation -windows -absorber system HCC: -design -prototype/testing -fabrication/test 50T Solenoid: -material research -insert design -insert fabricat/test -solenoid design -prototype/test 12T Dipole: -specs -design -prototype/test

MCTF - Shiltsev 14 MCTF and “Friends”  Close ties are needed:  MCNFC – lot of expertise, interest  Muons Inc – very (pro)active, de-facto leader  Natl’ labs – valuable expertise and facilities (e.g. magnets, SC materials, magnets, etc)  Things to do:  discuss/agree on collaboration area E.g. Muons Inc in: Mc concept design, cooling simulations, RF cavity tests, HCC magnet design and absorber, 50T solenoid  Incorporate that in “short” report (Sep’06)