Extracted from History-Social Science Guidance PowerPoint 2010 – 2011
The History Department has a program that requires students to build their citizenship skills by getting involved in their community. Guidance is as follows: Graded activity=up to 10% of the grade Students will complete community service hours as follows (= about one hour per month): 26th Grade – 6 hours : doing such things as on-campus activities or involvement in the local area; in at least 2 activities. 2-37th Grade – 9 hours : on-campus, neighborhood and local area; in at least 2-3 activities. 38th Grade – 12 hours : on-campus and local community with an additional two-hour requirement to learn more about our political processes (e.g., attend community council meeting) in at least 3 activities plus political process. Community Service
Nota Bene (Latin for note well) : All All community service must be approved by the student’s parent/guardian. Each hour must be verified by the parent and event volunteer coordinator with a signature and initials on the record keeping sheet. Each line represents ONE hour of service. We encourage parents/guardians to be active participants to help build future responsible citizens. Community Service Key Points
2-3 Please attempt at least 2-3 different types of volunteer service, such as: School/Campus beautification Beach/Community Trash Clean-up Volunteer at a church/synagogue/mosque Volunteer at community or charitable organization events Assist at an elementary school Help a younger sibling with homework Help an elderly person InterviewInterview a community service worker, firefighter, policeman/sheriff, paramedic, or an active member of the armed forces. (Students are responsible for writing the interview questions and recording the answers) Parents are encouraged to offer suggestions as well. Community Service Suggestions
More suggestions More suggestions : Volunteer with your family serving the needy Sit in at a School Board or City Council meeting Volunteer for a political candidate These are NOT forms of Community Service : Babysitting for money *Babysitting for money *Working at a family business *Anything where you are paid for your efforts Community Service Guidance
We have provided many suggestions that include helping other students, parents, and neighbors; talking to public safety members; visiting the elderly; scouting activities; and helping our environment at school by recycling. Support your communities! Remember: Time must be verified by parent/guardian signature on activity sheet which you keep in your BINDER. Your teacher will be checking each semester. Commitment to service
Tips We encourage parents/guardians to review: San Marcos Civic Center Website, i.e., City of San Marcos, CA : Volunteer Opportunities A good tip for 8 th graders is – “Youth Commission Nights” First Monday of every month at 4:00 PM