To the Strategic Session at the mid year meeting of The Cochrane Collaboration, April 2012
The moment has come...
What is the purpose of today’s meeting?
to prioritise recommendations relating to The Cochrane Library, particularly the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Reviews, and derivative products to inform the direction of work for the next three to five years for the Cochrane Editorial Unit and editorial teams, the publisher of our products, and The Cochrane Collaboration as a whole.
What is the purpose of today’s meeting? to prioritise recommendations relating to The Cochrane Library, particularly the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Reviews, and derivative products to inform the direction of work for the next three to five years for the Cochrane Editorial Unit and editorial teams, the publisher of our products, and The Cochrane Collaboration as a whole. Time to stop and reflect How are we doing? Where are we going?
Our objectives for Wednesday: basis for 5 year strategy and work plan To identify and celebrate the Collaboration’s collective achievements: what do we need to protect? To explore the recommendations in this paper To identify and prioritise those changes that can be implemented following this mid-year meeting To identify those changes needing consultation, and to develop a plan to achieve this, with responsibilities and outcomes If appropriate, to identify those things we can stop doing
Major themes What are our stakeholders telling us? – need to look outside the tent Need to find solutions not problems Quality is at the core of everything we do
Three major elements: Create high quality, impact high quality content (reviews) Optimise presentation and delivery Get Cochrane content into practice and policy (knowledge translation )
What can possibly go wrong? Lose sight of the external viewpoint Get lost in the detail (the clue in the name!) Talking shop, no follow through Inertia (too busy, all volunteers etc etc)
Solutions to the above: Mandate, not mandatory Implementation pathway over 3-5 years Some recommendations can help to reduce workload
Thank you
How can we meet stakeholders needs? Engage Active management of CRG portfolios Coverage Relevance “Big ticket” questions Management of CDSR in general Content gaps Duplication Cross CRG items Mix
What content should we produce? How can we maximise the impact?
Summary Quality and impact are crucial Summary Quality and impact are crucial: better, fewer, more relevant reviews? Listen to and engage with our stakeholders Mandate not mandatory 3-5 year strategy and work plan to be presented at Colloquium 2012
0830 to 0900 Refreshments 0900 to 0915 Welcome, opening plenary, and general questions 0915 to 0945Overview of themes 1 and 2: 1.The Cochrane Library: continuing its development as the world’s leading library of evidence 2.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR): relevance, coverage, and user and author experience 0945 to 1045 Small groups to discuss themes 1 and 2, and return to plenary to share findings 1045 to 1230Workshops for themes 3 to 6: 1.New formats and derivative products 2.Cochrane Reviews: methodological quality and readability 3.Cochrane Reviews: updating 4.Cochrane Reviews: innovative reviews and methodology 1130 to 1200Refreshments (mid-workshop) 1230Closing plenary and action plan