CEDAR Opening 26/03/2012-FH1
Cedar Overview 26/03/2012-FH2
Paperwork for Intervention The intervention is described in the WP (EDMS# ) The VIC was done Friday morning. The Intervention is approved and will be done this week. 26/03/2012-FH3
Preparation Work in ECN3 The relevant drawings from the original CEDAR were scanned and uploaded in EDMS. Thanks to Lau and Sylvain. The CEDAR has been shipped to ECN3, and a protective tent is rechted around. The handling tools for dismantling the nose are available. The CERN work-shop will do the modifications to the nose, i.e. – Shortening tube by 400mm – Drilling support holes for the KTAG (12xM12) – Increase groove for new joint (still to be confirmed). 26/03/2012-FH4
CEDAR Nose 26/03/2012-FH5
Leak-test done last Week Pressurize CEDAR to 5 bar using He (95%) – Measure pressure decay – Sniff He outside Results: – Overall leak rate ~ 8 x at operating pressure – Found two leaks on gas connectors. They will be repaired later on. – The joint on the rotating shaft is good, also while operating the diaphragm. Okay for H 2 safety, but not brilliant for stable operation 26/03/2012-FH6
Diaphragm Actuator Rotating shaft Diaphragm motor Rubber joints (non-static) Cedar housing Inside Cedar 26/03/2012-FH7
Timeline for the Intervention Leak test done last week Open and dismantle CEDAR nose (today and tomorrow) Work-shop work will take 3 days Leak test of the nose Remount the nose Mount new Beam windows. 26/03/2012-FH8