Spring into the Standards! April 9, 2014
Participants will be able to scaffold activities on the phonological awareness continuum to meet the diverse needs of the children in their classroom.
4I can teach others about the phonological awareness continuum and recommend appropriate activities they can use in their classroom to meet the diverse needs of their students. 3I have a good understanding of the phonological awareness continuum and how to scaffold activities on the continuum to meet the diverse needs of my students. 2I have heard the term phonological awareness but I am not sure what the continuum is. 1I don’t have a clue what phonological awareness is.
Research Tells Us…
Example: Child hears barking and says “dog”.
Example: Do cat and hat rhyme? Example: cat, hat, mat, ____ Example: Tell me two words that rhyme.
Example: ten tiny tadpoles
Examples:/mag//net/ = magnet paper = /pa//per/
Examples:/m//ice/or /sh//ake/
Example: /k/ /a/ /t/= cat Example: ship= /sh/ /i/ /p/ Example: change the /p/ in pop to /t/ for top
A changing quality of support over a teaching session, in which a more skilled partner adjusts the assistance he or she provides to fit the child’s current level of performance. Beyond Centers and Circle Time
Provides specific strategies to use with children who find a given lesson too easy or too difficult Laura M. Justice Anita McGinty Design and Illustration by Anthony Baker
1.Take a Pete activity from your bin and discuss how you could scaffold it to meet the needs of your students. 2.How would you adapt the activity to target the needs of your students? How would you add support? How would you increase the complexity? 3.Jot down your ideas on the Learner’s Ladder and be prepared to share.
4I can teach others about the phonological awareness continuum and recommend appropriate activities they can use in their classroom to meet the diverse needs of their students. 3I have a good understanding of the phonological awareness continuum and how to scaffold activities on the continuum to meet the diverse needs of my students. 2I have heard the term phonological awareness but I am not sure what the continuum is. 1I don’t have a clue what phonological awareness is.
Celebrate Your Learning
Contact Information: Rori Becker
Thank you for ALL you do!!