Introduction to Bayesian Methods (I) C. Shane Reese Department of Statistics Brigham Young University
Outline Definitions Classical or Frequentist Bayesian Comparison (Bayesian vs. Classical) Bayesian Data Analysis Examples
Definitions Problem: Unknown population parameter (θ) must be estimated. EXAMPLE #1: θ = Probability that a randomly selected person will be a cancer survivor Data are binary, parameter is unknown and continuous EXAMPLE #2: θ = Mean survival time of cancer patients. Data are continuous, parameter is continuous.
Definitions Step 1 of either formulation is to pose a statistical (or probability)model for the random variable which represents the phenomenon. EXAMPLE #1: a reasonable choice for f (y|θ) (the sampling density or likelihood function) would be that the number of 6 month survivors (Y) would follow a binomial distribution with a total of n subjects followed and the probability of any one subject surviving is θ. EXAMPLE #2: a reasonable choice for f (y|θ) survival time (Y) has an exponential distribution with mean θ.
Classical (Frequentist) Approach All pertinent information enters the problem through the likelihood function in the form of data(Y1,...,Yn) objective in nature software packages all have this capability maximum likelihood, unbiased estimation, etc. confidence intervals, difficult interpretation
Bayesian Data Analysis data (enters through the likelihood function as well as allowance of other information reads: the posterior distribution is a constant multiplied by the likelihood muliplied by the prior Distribution posterior distribution: in light of the data our updated view of the parameter prior distribution: before any data collection, the view of the parameter
Additional Information Prior Distributions can come from expert opinion, historical studies, previous research, or general knowledge of a situation (see examples) there exists a “flat prior” or “noninformative” which represents a state of ignorance. Controversial piece of Bayesian methods Objective Bayes, Empirical Bayes
Bayesian Data Analysis inherently subjective (prior is controversial) few software packages have this capability result is a probability distribution credible intervals use the language that everyone uses anyway. (Probability that θ is in the interval is 0.95) see examples for demonstration
Mammography Test Result PositiveNegative Patient Status Cancer88%12% Healthy24%76% o Sensitivity: o True Positive o Cancer ID’d! o Specificity: o True Negative o Healthy not ID’d!
Mammography Illustration My friend (40!!!) heads into her OB/GYN for a mammography (according to Dr.’s orders) and finds a positive test result. Does she have cancer? Specificity, sensitivity both high! Seems likely... or does it? Important points: incidence of breast cancer in 40 year old women is per 100,000 women.
Bayes Theorem for Mammography
Mammography Tradeoffs Impacts of false positive Stress Invasive follow-up procedures Worth the trade-off with less than 1% (0.46%)chance you actually have cancer???
Mammography Illustration My mother-in-law has the same diagnosis in Holden, UT is a “downwinder”, she was 65. Does she have cancer? Specificity, sensitivity both high! Seems likely... or does it? Important points: incidence of breast cancer in 65 year old women is 470 per 100,000 women, and approx 43% in “downwinder” cities. Does this change our assessment?
Downwinder Mammography
Modified Example #1 One person in the class stand at the back and throw the ball tothe target on the board (10 times). before we have the person throw the ball ten times does the choice of person change the a priori belief you have about the probability they will hit the target (θ)? before we have the person throw the ball ten times does the choice of target size change the a priori belief you have about the probability they will hit the target (θ)?
Prior Distributions a convenient choice for this prior information is the Beta distribution where the parameters defining this distribution are the number of a priori successes and failures. For example, if you believe your prior opinions on the success or failure are worth 8 throws and you think the person selected can hit the target drawn on the board 6 times, we would say that has a Beta(6,2) distribution.
Bayes for Example #1 if our data are Binomial(n, θ) then we would calculate Y/n as our estimate and use a confidence interval formula for a proportion. If our data are Binomial(n, θ) and our prior distribution is Beta(a,b), then our posterior distribution is Beta(a+y,b+n−y). thus, in our example: a = b = n = y = and so the posterior distribution is: Beta(, )
Bayesian Interpretation Therefore we can say that the probability that θ is in the interval (, ) is Notice that we don’t have to address the problem of “in repeated sampling” this is a direct probability statement relies on the prior distribution
Example: Phase II Dose Finding Goal: Fit models of the form: Where And d=1,…,D is the dose level
Definition of Terms ED(Q): Lowest dose for which Q% of efficacy is achieved Multiple definitions: Def. 1 Def. 2 Example: Q=.95, ED95 dose is the lowest dose for which.95 efficacy is achieved
Classical Approach Completely randomized design Perform F-test for difference between groups If significant at, then call the trial a “success”, and determine the most effective dose as the lowest dose that achieves some pre-specified criteria (ED95)
Bayesian Adaptive Approach Assign patients to doses adaptively based on the amount of information about the dose-response relationship. Goal: maximize expected change in information gain: Weighted average of the posterior variances and the probability that a particular dose is the ED95 dose.
Probability of Allocation Assign patients to doses based on Where is the probability of being assigned to dose
Four Decisions at Interim Looks Stop trial for success: the trial is a success, let’s move on to next phase. Stop trial for futililty: the trial is going nowhere, let’s stop now and cut our losses. Stop trial because the maximum number of patients allowed is reached (Stop for cap): trial outcome is still uncertain, but we can’t afford to continue trial. Continue
Stop for Futility The dose-finding trial is stopped because there is insufficient evidence that any of the doses is efficacious. If the posterior probability that the mean change for the most likely ED95 dose is within a “clinically meaningful amount” of the placebo response is greater than 0.99 then the trial stops for futility.
Stop for Success The dose-finding trial is stopped when the current probability that the ED95* is sufficiently efficacious is sufficiently high. If the posterior probability that the most likely ED95 dose is better than placebo reaches a high value (0.99) or higher then the trial stops early for success. Note: Posterior (after updated data) probability drives this decision.
Stop for Cap Cap: If the sample size reaches the maximum (the cap) defined for all dose groups the trial stops. Refine definition based on application. Perhaps one dose group reaching max is of interest. Almost always $$$ driven.
Continue Continue: If none of the above three conditions hold then the trial continues to accrue. Decision to continue or stop is made at each interim look at the data (accrual is in batches)
Benefits of Approach Statistical: weighting by the variance of the response at each dose allows quicker resolution of dose-response relationship. Medical: Integrating over the probability that each dose is ED95 allows quicker allocation to more efficacious doses.
Example of Approach Reduction in average number of events Y=reduction of number of events D=6 (5 active, 1 placebo) Potential exists that there is a non- monotonic dose-response relationship. Let be the dose value for dose d.
Model for Example
Dynamic Model Properties Allows for flexibility. Borrows strength from “neighboring” doses and similarity of response at neighboring doses. Simplified version of Gaussian Process Models. Potential problem: semi- parametric, thus only considers doses within dose range:
Example Curves ?
Simulations 5000 simulated trials at each of the 5 scenarios Fixed dose design, Bayesian adaptive approach as outlined above Compare two approaches for each of 5 cases with sample size, power, and type-I error
Results (power & alpha) CasePr(S)Pr(F)Pr(cap)P(Rej)
Results (n) Fixed130
Observations Adaptive design serves two purposes: Get patients to efficacious doses More efficient statistical estimation Sample size considerations Dose expansion -- inclusion of safety considerations Incorporation of uncertainties!!! Predictive inference is POWERFUL!!!
Conclusions Science is subjective (what about the choice of a likelihood?) Bayes uses all available information Makes interpretation easier BAD NEWS: I have showed very simple cases... they get much harder. GOOD NEWS: They are possible (and practical) with advanced computational procedures