Service User Involvement – Theory, Principles & Employment Forum Jo Phillips & Johannes Parkkonen Glasgow Homelessness Network Service User Involvement.


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Presentation transcript:

Service User Involvement – Theory, Principles & Employment Forum Jo Phillips & Johannes Parkkonen Glasgow Homelessness Network Service User Involvement Team September 2005

Glasgow Homelessness Network Umbrella organisation for 65 member organisations that work around homelessness issues in Glasgow Represents the voluntary sector in the Glasgow Homelessness Partnership Aim is to prevent, alleviate and ultimately eradicate homelessness Works through raising awareness, facilitating a joint working approach, and influencing policy and provision at all levels Fundamental to the above is to empower people affected by homeless to contribute to this process

GHN Service User Involvement Team Began in June 2003 – funded for three years by Glasgow Homelessness Partnership. Response to need to coordinate local activity across providers and the opportunities provided by the Hostel Closure Programme in Glasgow. 1 Coordinator, 3 Development Workers, 1 Admin / Resource Worker and 10 (currently) supported volunteers

Role & Remit Mapping and coordinating involvement activity Develop networks/forums for people affected by homelessness Support homeless people to access training and personal development opportunities Create opportunities for the involvement of homeless people in planning and provision of services

What is Service User Involvement? The ongoing involvement of service users in the management, development and delivery of services that have a direct or indirect effect on their lives There are a range of different ways in which service users can become involved. Service users and providers should decide together which one is most appropriate for their needs A process that operates on a continuum rather than a project with the beginning and the end

Principles of SUI All Service Users have the right to – Be involved at a level that they feel is appropriate to them and their circumstances at the time; and conversely, change their mind and choose not to be involved if things change for them Be supported in accessing clear, jargon-free information in a variety of formats Receive formal and informal feedback on the outcomes generated by their involvement Expect respect for their contribution Be reimbursed for their time and expenses

Barriers to service user involvement Providers / Planners Resources (people, money & time) Fear – staff (unknown outcomes or lack of involvement culture) Lack of skills – negotiation, engagement Lack of opportunity Lack of support or encouragement from senior management Service Users Consultation fatigue – no outcomes before Accessing people! – esp ‘hard to reach’ groups Burn out – overused ‘stars’ Lack of appreciation of their time

Steps to positive outcomes Being clear (and honest) about the focus of involvement Creative approaches (using good practice examples) Staff at all levels involved from the start Well resourced Good senior management support Plan well ahead and think of the next step Evaluate constantly and apply any lessons learned Be prepared to change things Feedback as soon as you can to everybody involved Make critical friends in high places Give people a good experience Create a culture!

Employment & Training Service User Forum Established February 2005 Open to people who are currently homeless or who have experienced homelessness Some homelessness support service providers attend Guest speakers (e.g. Equal Access Strategy, SHAW Trust) to give information & get feedback Through GHN Development Coordinator (Employment & Training) provides a direct link to decision makers via HPIG sub E & T

E & T Service User Forum Give PABH a chance to raise their concerns and suggest other options for discussion Encourage dialogue with PABH and providers / planners Information sessions on employment and training Collect information and produce ideas and plans on how to improve access to E & T for PABH

E & T Service User Forum Blockages to employment pathways - High rents in homelessness accommodation Benefits issues – part time, voluntary work, etc. Lack of formal employment experience or education qualifications Lack of responsiveness from adult education institutions Difficulty in accessing funding for ‘soft skills’ support e.g. New Futures Lack of information to service users re – what’s available Lack of awareness of homelessness in many mainstream employment and training agencies and organisations Lack of ongoing support when you are in a job

E & T Forum Future Plans An information pack for service users re – employment pathways and further education Survey of service users seeking feedback re – employment pathways Peer led employability event It is hoped that by feeding back the information to service planners, further education colleges, JC+, and other mainstream training providers, the forum can contribute to making employment and training services better and more responsive to the needs of people affected by homelessness