Trauma and after Rja Consulatancy A discussion on new (forthcoming) CLG/NMHDU guidance on meeting the psychological and emotional needs of homeless people Robin Johnson RJA consultancy
“Complex Trauma” Rja Consulatancy Relationship breakdown, with all its attendant traumas, is the single biggest precipitant to homelessness; and homelessness is itself traumatising But many homeless people in fact have histories of trauma going back much earlier, even into childhood. New evidence now suggests a strong link between such early trauma and conduct disorders in children; and later, behavioural and relationship problems that psychiatrist would describe as personality disorder. What, then could and should be the role of homelessness services, in recognising and in meeting such complex needs?
SEU Mental Health and Social Exclusion, ODPM, (June 2004): Lyons M ; Place-shaping: a shared ambition for the future of local government, available at: CLG An Introduction to the Local Performance Framework, CLG, available at; I&DEA, Healthy People, healthy places; LAAs and health, available at: Audit Commission’s Comprehensive Area Assessment framework documents available at: Dept of Health guidance on JSNA available at: Northern Housing Consortium commentary on JSNA: hact/NHF An opportunity waiting to happen - housing associations as 'community anchors' (2006) at: CLG:The role of Housing Associations in promoting meaningful interaction, at: npromotion/ For background on PSA 16 and the Reaching Out programme, see: The Marmot review: Care Services Efficiency Delivery, Support Related Housing Good Practice Examples, DH, 2008, at: Rja Consulatancy Relevant policy documents
Rja Consulatancy Other useful reading For the broad picture of social inclusion practice and mental health, see: programme--vision-and-progress-report/ “At Home?” mental health issues arising in social housing. NIMHE report, at: “Getting through: Access to mental health services for people who are homeless or living in temporary or insecure accommodation: A good practice guide” Briefing document on Improving the Effectiveness of Rent Arrears Management for People with Mental Health Problems Joint CSIP/CLG guidance on mental health assessment of people who are homeless or insecurely housed (forthcoming) Collected papers, reviews and news from RJA consultancy (and other sources):