Surface Owners’ Protection Act Balancing the relationship between landowners and the oil and gas industry.
Over 12,000 new wells are planned in the next 20 years in San Juan County alone.
Some will be in your neighborhood ranch, farm, or subdivision. “Drilling has been nonstop for two years.” -- Fort Worth Fort Star Telegram, TX
Do you know? In New Mexico, homeowners, ranchers and farmers most often do not own the mineral rights to the oil and gas underneath the surface of their land.
Do you know? Oil and gas companies are not required to have a written agreement with the individual rancher property owner or homeowner before they drill.
Do you know? They are not required to pay for the use of the land surface.
Do you know? Property owners who do negotiate often sign non- disclosure agreements so the pricing is secret, preventing other landowners from negotiating effectively.
This is about property protection, not politics.
Doing It Right
Examples of contamination. 165 cubic yards of contaminated soil had to be removed.
A larger spill.
They decide where to locate pits and equipment.
We all deserve to have legal protection for our property.
Protection for ranchers and livestock.
Protection for farmers.
Protection for homeowners.
Protection for property owners.
Property values drop an average 22% in La Plata County, Colorado, when a gas well is on the property.
“Engine fumes come in my bedroom at night from a nearby [established] site.” --Homeowner in the City of Aztec, Kokopelli Subdivision.
Planning to buy a house? If a well “moves in” it will most likely be there the rest of your life.
Surface Owners’ Protection Bill Attempts to balance between oil and gas companies and property owners. Allows people to protect their property and investment. Allows property owners to negotiate with the oil and gas companies.
Surface Owners’ Protection Bill Allows you negotiate with the oil and gas company. Allows you to determine damages and get fair compensation. Gives you legal recourse in court.
How do we pass the Surface Owners’ Protection Act? 1.Get more people like you involved. 2.Get your legislators to support the bill. 3.Get calls in to the Governor to urge his continued support of the bill.
What can YOU do? Letters/postcard to your senators and representatives on the list we give you Letters to the Governor!! Letters to the editor Make suggestions to us!