Everyday Inventions Items you use almost daily, but might not think about!
Everyday Inventions every single day, we use things to make our lives easier these things have not always been around inventions have helped to change the course of history, but have also impacted our everyday lives
Everyday Inventions before these items, our lives were more complicated
Everyday Inventions Lets look at how some of these inventions came to be during the 20 th century, and how some of them changed the way we do things in our daily lives.
Paper Clips The paper clips was invented in the year 1900 by a man from Norway named Johann Vaaler. The paper clip helped to solve the age old problem: how do I keep papers together without ruining them or poking holes in them.
Paper Clips Before Vaaler’s invention, papers had to be held together with pins, or spring operated devices. During WWI, Norwegians wore paper clips as a sign of patriotism against the Nazi’s. They believed it was a sign that they were “binding together” against the Nazis.
The Zipper The next taken for granted invention is one that almost all of use have on right now, the zipper.
The Zipper Invented in 1913 by Gideon Sundback, the zipper soon became a very successful product for many clothing companies. It took the place of buttons, snaps, and buckles in all sorts of fashion items.
Scotch Tape Every time you rip a paper or need to fasten a picture to your locker or wall, what do you go and grab? That’s right, tape. And most of the time the clear kind.
Scotch Tape Scotch tape was invented in 1925 by a company in Minnesota. (later known as 3M) Originally, tape was used to separate the different colors on cars as they were painted, but soon it was refined to have sticky glue all over the back and was used by painters, carpenters, and eventually almost everyone.
Ballpoint Pens Do you remember having to dip your pen into ink every time you wanted to write something? Oh that’s right, we never had to do that, because of the invention of the ballpoint pen.
Ballpoint Pens The ballpoint pen replaced dipping pens into ink in The Biro Brothers came up with the idea to put the ink inside of the pen and in 1944 were used by British Air Force pilots because they would work at high altitudes, unlike regular ink pens.
Weird Inventions For every good invention there are thousands of bad inventions.
Your Inventions Alright, enough of other peoples inventions. If you had the chance to improve something that we use daily, or develop a completely new product, what would it be? This is your next task…