Laura Ewing/President and CEO 1801 Allen Parkway Houston, TX
Joe Adams (Retired, Union Pacific Railroad) John Anderson (Anderson Foundation) James Cooper (Cooper, Inc) Andrew DeLauro (citibank) Laura Jaramillo (Wells Fargo) Sherry Kiser (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas) RADM Robert Smith III, (TX A & M, Galveston) Carol Trout (Trout Foundation) Pete Villarreal (PlainsCapital Bank)
10 week Student Session 10 Week Student Session Fall and Spring Prizes for Regional Winners Teams of 4 to 5 students Teaches math, investments, decision-making
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How did geography, history, government, economics and history impact the thinking and actions of humans? The session will provide teachers with economic based lessons on how natural resources, politics, and historical events impacted decision making.
Geography Standard of Living Interaction with the physical environment Economics Technological change Productivity Capital goods Human Capital Standard of living
1.What problem needed to be solved? 2.Who came up with a solution? 3.What was the solution? 4.How did this solution affect productivity? 1.Change in technology? 2.New capital good? 3.Improve people’s education or health? 5.How did the solution allow people to overcome challenges presented by the physical environment? 6.How did this solution affect people’s stand of living? 7.How did this solution affect people’s quality of life?
…”Promote people’s quality of life, are based on human values and encourage sustainable economic development” Who would you nominate based on criteria? Why? Make a poster to present their candidate Judge each other’s nominations with sticky notes
Double Bubbler Barbed Wire Penicillin Telephone Self-Polishing Steel Plow Dynamite
What questions would you develop to teach the charts and graphs on movement?
Brainstorm a list of new inventions Choose one and write a newspaper story and headline about it Paragraph 1 Who developed the invention? What does it do or how is it used? When was it developed? Where was it developed? Why was it developed? Paragraph 2 How does the invention increase productivity? How does it change the environment or allow people to overcome challenges in the environment? How does it affect the people’s standard of living? How does it improve the quality of life?