The Value of Project Management Eugene C. Bounds, PMP Secretary/Treasurer, PMI Board of Directors NIH Project Management Community Bethesda, MD 13 February 2008
NIH Portfolio: Snapshots Facilities Electronic grant submission & management Bioinformatics and computational biology
Project Management in IT: room for improvement 33% of software investments used to repair projects* 56% of projects have cost overruns of >50%** 84% of projects have time overruns** 53% of organizations do not operate PMO** *Atlantic Systems Guild **Chaos in 2007, Standish Group Challenged 53% Succeeded 29% Failed 18%
PM challenges cited in ITAA survey of federal CIOs: Training and retaining staff Using consistent methodology across multiple projects Establishing metrics to assess progress EVM proficiency and integration with PM Connecting PM with overall governance Managing integration points in separate but related projects Project Management in IT: room for improvement
PMI: A Voice for Improvement Globally recognized standards and credentials Developed by experienced PM practitioners 260,000 members in 171 countries
Project, Program, Portfolio: The Maturity Progression
Why Organizational Project Management Matters Aligns projects with strategic goals Focuses on performance Improves project time and cost management Delivers predictable, repeatable results
Office of Environmental Management 83 clean-up projects Portfolio value $160 billion (USD) $6B/year Project Management Maturity: US Dept. Of Energy
DOE’s Waste Disposal Complex CERCLA Disposal Facility Regional Low Level Waste Disposal Facility DOE Generator Site (no on-site disposal facility) Low Level Waste Operations Disposal Facility Mixed Low Level Waste Operations Disposal Facility Legend Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for Transuranic waste disposal Yucca Mountain repository for High Level Waste/Spent Nuclear Fuel disposal Sites are closed
Project Management Maturity “We are working to utilize the best tools and metrics to ensure successful project performance and promote a robust training agenda for our management and staff.” James Rispoli DOE Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management December 18, 2007
PM Training at NASA Continuous learning University and private partners Performance support through assessment, workshops, coaching
Worldwide, organizations will embrace, value and utilize project management, and attribute their success to it. © 2008 Project Management Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. Not for further distribution without the express permission of PMI. “PMI,” the PMI logo, “PMP,” and “Making project management indispensable for business results” are registered marks of Project Management Institute Inc. For a comprehensive list of PMI marks, contact the PMI Legal Department. PMI’s Envisioned Goal