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Presentation transcript:

Primary Longman Express Special events Chapter 5, Book 3B Primary Longman Express

Past tense

Past tense When we talk about something that happened in the past (e.g. yesterday), we use the past tense. I played football yesterday. I cooked a meal yesterday. I planted some trees yesterday.

Past tense play played kicked pulled kick pull We usually put ed on the the verb to form the past form. play played kicked pulled kick pull

Practice Present tense climb pull kick bake jump Past tense climbed pulled kicked baked jumped

Past tense If there is no action in a sentence, we use ‘was’ or ‘were’ as the verb. am / is / are  was / were I was short. You were fat.

Different forms of the verb be: They / You / We He / She / It I Past tense Present were are is was am

Practice I _______ (be) happy last week. was 2. They _______ (be) hungry yesterday. were 3. It _______ (be) Sports Day last Friday. was 4. We _______ (be) lazy last year. were

Past tense drop dropped hopped skipped hop skip Sometimes we have to repeat the last letter before ed. drop dropped hopped skipped hop skip

tidy tidied cry cried carry carried study studied play played enjoy If the verb end with the letter y, we have to change it into ied in its past form. tidy cried carried studied tidied cry carry study However, there are some exceptions: play enjoy played enjoyed

When we see the following words, we have to use the past tense. Hint words: yesterday last night last Sunday last year … ago Now yesterday last night last year last Sunday 50 years ago

Now you try. drop my food dropped I ________ my food yesterday.

I _______ my grandparents last Sunday. visit my grandparents visited I _______ my grandparents last Sunday.

My brother _________ last night. cry cried My brother _________ last night.

Practice 1. Tom ______ (be) 5 years old last year. was 2. Sam and Ken ______ (skip) yesterday. Mary ______ (study) last night. It ______ (be) Games Day last Sunday. We _________ (watch) TV last night. 6. I ______ (play) basketball yesterday. was skipped studied was watched played