past simple vs. past CONTINUOUS AIM: To be able to use the tenses in oral and written speech
They lived in a small town near the capital city last year. Comment They lived in a small town near the capital city last year. I saw him two days ago. Tim bought a new computer game yesterday.
They didn’t live in a small town near the capital city last month. Comment They didn’t live in a small town near the capital city last month. I didn’t see him four days ago. Tim didn’t buy a new book yesterday.
Did they live in a small town near the capital city last year? Comment Did they live in a small town near the capital city last year? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. Did Tom buy a new computer game 2 days ago? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.
Pronunciation of ‘- ed’ looked … created … lived … waited … cleaned …talked / t / / d / / id / looked lived waited talked cleaned created
look … plan … grab … study …talk… clarify Spelling look … plan … grab … study …talk… clarify verb +’ed ’ double consonant y ‘i +ed’ looked planned studied talked grabbed clarified
an action that happened at a definite time in the past Use of past simple an action that happened at a definite time in the past actions that happened immediately one after another in the past habits or states which are now finished
expressions yesterday last month / week, year/ 2 days ago When?
Nicole Kidman won an Oscar in 2003. actions one after another in the past definite time in the past finished habits in the past finished states in the past 9
She put on her coat, opened the door and left the house. definite time in the past finished habits in the past finished states in the past actions one after another in the past 10
When Tom was young he played the piano. finished habits in the past finished states in the past definite time in the past actions one after another in the past 11
When Julie was a child, she liked the piece and quiet of the village. finished habits in the past actions one after another in the past definite time in the past finished states in the past 12
GAME Draw a story for your classmates and make them retell it using past simple.
Comment the difference I was listening to music at 9:00 last night. Jane was watching a film at 10:00 last night. You/We/They We were playing chess when John arrived.
Comment the difference I wasn’t listening to music at 9:00 last night. Jane wasn’t watching a film at 10:00 last night. You/We/They We weren’t playing chess when John arrived.
Comment the difference Was John listening to music at 9:00 yesterday? Were they playing chess when John arrived? . Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t. Yes, they were./ No, they weren't.
Spelling rules for adding ‘-ing’ sleep … plan … write … lie … - ing double consonant -e +ing ie y+ ing sleeping planning writing lying
Use of Past continuous two or more simultaneous actions in the past an action which was in progress when another action interrupted it two or more simultaneous actions in the past to give a background information to a story for an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past
expressions while when all day
Comment the difference George bought a new mobile phone yesterday. George was paying for the mobile phone when Linda entered the shop.
While the teacher was giving us homework, the bell rang. an action in progress; another interrupted it simultaneous actions background information an action in progress at a stated time in the past 21
John was watching a film while Katie was talking on the phone. an action in progress; another interrupted it background information simultaneous actions an action in progress at a stated time in the past 22
Mariana was watching her favorite film at 9:00 last night. simultaneous actions an action in progress; another interrupted it an action in progress at a stated time in the past background information 23
The wind was blowing and it was still raining when I woke up that morning. simultaneous actions an action in progress; another interrupted it background information an action in progress at a stated time in the past 24
In the next slides choose the right answer
Who … to outside school this morning? you talked you talk was you talking were you talking 26
It was late. She turned off her PC, … her bag and left the office. grabs was grabbing were grabbing grabbed 27
Stacey … shopping for fruit and vegetables on Saturday morning. went was going go were going 28
Tom was writing a letter while Jenny … a book. reads read were reading was reading 29
When Julie was 9 years old, she … in the suburbs of London. was living were living lived lives 30
… in the garden at 6:00 yesterday? Did they play Were they playing Is they playing Do they play 31
The snow … all night and in the morning everything was white. fell were falling was falling falls 32
At the age of seven, he … every day in the back garden. were skating was skating skates used to skate 33
The flight to London … some minutes ago. You missed it. departed were departing was departing departs 34
We … all afternoon playing football with our friends. spent were spending spends was spending 35