INTERTANKO Market Seminar Hong Kong - 4 November 2002 Tim Huxley, Clarkson Hong Kong The Pros and Cons of Building Ships in China Giles Lane, Clarkson, Singapore The Prospects in the Tanker Market with Focus on Asia Erik Ranheim, INTERTANKO The State of the Industry
Japan's devastated banks On the agenda YUKOS’ OIL PRODUCTION UP 18.0% IN THE FIRST 9 MONTHS OF 2002 Mikhail Khodorkovsky Chairman and CEO YUKOS Oil Company
The state of the industry S tatus P erformance M arket
The state of the industry Status V ital to world economy A nonymous I mproved relations to other industry players
Accountable to Society
World largest companies $ bn market value
Largest charteres - cargo tonnes
Oil companies reducing fleets
A proficient oil transportation system means shared responsibility All market participants must focus on their main activity
Oil transportation=shared risk venture C argo/ b unker properties L iability for pollution S afe port/ U nder K eel C larence S ecurity T raffic C ontrol S ystems/ P ilotage
Accidental oil pollution reduced by 78% 2 nd /1 st part 90s % of the oil arrives safely
No major spill since Erika
US oil spills into the sea - gallons
US oil spills into the sea - number
Continuous decline in tanker incidents
Tanker incident by cause
132 tanker incidents 2001
Port State Control All ships versus tankers
Port State Control- detention ratio All ships versus tankers
The state of the market V olatile freight market, declining prices T onnage balance relatively tight, high scrapping F undametals uncertain
Tanker spot rate trends VLCC 280,000 dwt, AG-West until end Oct. It all depends on your perspective
Modernisation tankers
ERIKA I – Phase out
Tanker deliveries and deletions
Tanker recycling by receiver country
Crude oil seaborne trade - Indices
OPEC/non-OPEC crude oil production (Proj.)
European crude oil imports - mbd
FSU oil exports
N Sea oil production, mbd
US crude oil production and net crude oil imports (est.), monthly Source: EIA
US Imports from Persian Gulf – mbd/%
Oil consumption in selected Asian countries
Seaborne chemical trades - mil tonnes Source: Drewry
Morgan Stanley Capital Index
..added uncertainty.... Cheney Report…US National Energy Policy..
Source: BMW WWWsite Oil - a Sunset Industry? The Future is Here Today ” P owered with S un and w ater The BMW 750hL, the youngest member of the BMW hydrogen vehicle family”
Source: Fearnleys, IEA, INTERTANKO Will the strong growth continue?
Medium term oil trade development M ore short haul oil, FSU, W Africa, Mexico (-N Sea) US oil production decline halted – long term up? I ncrease in trade depend on Asia O verall OECD oil demand flat S hort-term, cheap capacity lies in the Middle East IEA : The pace of economic activity is the single most important driver of energy demand, but Politicians may set a different scenario