Emergency Procedures Evacuation Line# 32 Lock down Earthquake September 10 th Drill Practice
Homework Check ONE team member, retrieve answer key and green team bucket. 1. As a team, check homework answers. 2.Make changes to homework as needed and LEARN how to find the correct answer by TALKING to your TEAM! **** REMEMBER everyone makes mistakes! **** ****That is HOW we LEARN! **** 3. Read the Homework Rubric. 4. List everyone’s Name on the Homework sheet, and shade in your correct color. 5. Write any unanswered questions on the back of the rubric. 6.Turn In your TEAM’s rubric and return materials
At your desk: 1. Math Journal 2. Planner 3. Homework By the end of class today: -You will be able to explore how a variable can have one solution, many solutions, or no solutions in a given situation. Life lessons: Be Present- Minded Be Committed to Excellence Be a Positive Force Take Action!
Students leaning-in toward each other and helping each other All group members on task Conversations with own team Mathematical conversations: questions and dialogue Positive and supportive dialogue and tone Team conversations with own group.
The Half Plus 7 Rule says you can’t date anyone younger than seven years more than half your age. If Michael Douglas shouldn’t date anybody under 45 years old… How old is he?
Lesson: “What is My Number?” Follow along on page 12 Write the title on top of your journal page Remember: You will be able to explore how a variable can have one solution, many solutions, or no solutions in a given situation. When I… I get…
Guess My Number #1 Remember: You will be able to explain how a variable can have one solution, many solutions, or no solutions in a given situation. I’m thinking of a number that… When I… Triple my number add five I get… eleven My number is… 2
Guess My Number #2 Remember: You will be able to explore how a variable can have one solution, many solutions, or no solutions in a given situation. I’m thinking of a number that… When I… Add two multiply by five I get… thirty My number is… 4
Guess My Number #3 Remember: You will be able to explore how a variable can have one solution, many solutions, or no solutions in a given situation. I’m thinking of a number that… When I… Take half my number add two I get… Twenty- four My number is… 4
Guess My Number #4 Remember: You will be able to explore how a variable can have one solution, many solutions, or no solutions in a given situation. I’m thinking of a number that… When I… Double my number add eight I get… My number plus twelve My number is… 4
Guess My Number #5 Remember: You will be able to explore how a variable can have one solution, many solutions, or no solutions in a given situation. I’m thinking of a number that… When I… Double my number Add four Subtract my number Subtract three I get… My number plus one My number is… Any number
Guess My Number #6 Remember: You will be able to explore how a variable can have one solution, many solutions, or no solutions in a given situation. I’m thinking of a number that… When I… Triple my number Add six Subtract twice my number I get… My number plus three My number is… No solution
The Half Plus 7 Rule says you can’t date anyone younger than seven years more than half your age. Michael Douglas shouldn’t date anybody under 45 years old. How old is he? EQUATIONSTEPSANSWERCHECK 1.Variable 2.Multiply by ½ 3.Add 7 4.Result 45 B y t h e E N D o f t h e Y E A R … Y o u w i l l b e w r i t i n g A N D s o l v i n g e q u a t i o n s j u s t l i k e t h e s e !
Communication Prompt Which game gave your group: More than one possible answer? No Possible answer? Only one Possible answer? Why do you think that happened?
Homework: Worksheet Problems 1.18 to 1.22 **** Remember: Homework spirals... Past, Present, Future Topics.
Glue Notes: “MEAN”**** Into Journals