Unit 1 GENERAL LIFE SCIENCE REVIEW. What is the function of the microscopes base? Provides structure to the microscope.


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Presentation transcript:


What is the function of the microscopes base? Provides structure to the microscope.

What is the first step to the scientific method? Problem

Where is the diaphragm located on a microscope? Underneathe the stage

What is science? Study of the natural world

How do you know if something is living or not? Displays all 8 Characteristics of Life

What is a qualitative observation? Observation made using your senses

What is evolution? The change an organism group makes over generations.

What is the function of the revolving nosepiece? Changes the power of magnification on the microscope.

What is an independent variable? What is purposely changed in an experiment

What is the dependent variable? The element of the experiment that depends on the independent variable.

What is metabolism? The use of materials to develop energy in living things.

How many eye pieces does a compound microscope have? One

How many eye pieces does a stereo microscope have? 2

What do you call a cell that is more than one cell? Multicellular

What is a hypothesis? An educated guess on what you think will happen.

What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction? Asexual is requires one parent, while sexual reproduction requires two parents.

Which knob should only be used on high power? Fine Focus Knob

What is homeostasis? The ability to maintain internal stability.

How do you carry a microscope? With both hands

Which objective should you always begin with? Low Power

Sweating is an example of which of the 8 Characteristics of Life? Homeostasis

Birds migrating is an example of which of the 8 Characteristics of Life? Responding to enviroment

What is the difference between the control group and the experimental group? The control group doesn’t change anything, while the experimental group changes the independent variable.

What is a quantitative observation? An observation that includes a measureable amount. (A number)

What part of a microscope supports a slide? Stage

What is the smallest unit considered alive? A cell

What is an inference? A logical conclusion based on proven data.

What does PHEOC stand for? Problem, Hypothesis, Experiment, Observation, and Conclusion. (Scientific Method)

What is the advantage to more working distance using the stereoscope? View larger objects.

If the eyepiece is 10x and the low power is 5x what is the total magnification? 50x

What is the downside of having only one eyepiece in the compound microscope? Only see in 2-D

What does PHEOC stand for? Problem, Hypothesis, Experiment, Observation, and Conclusion. (Scientific Method)

Where on a table do you place a microscope? In the center of the table.

Photosynthesis is an example of what characteristic of life? Metabolism (Energy and Materials)

Using a compound microscope what direction does an image move if the slide is moved left? Right

DNA is an example of what characteristic of life? Genetic code

What piece of the microscope holds the slide in place? Stage clips

A life cycle is an example of which characteristic of life? Growth and developement

Which knob should be used for low and medium power focusing? Coarse focus knob

What microscope would you use for opaque specimens? Stereoscope