T Project Review WellIT PP Iteration
T Project Review 2 Agenda Project status ( min) achieving the goals of the iteration project metrics Work results ( min) presenting the iteration’s results demo Used work practices (5 min)
T Project Review 3 Introduction to the project Part of MC2 (Mobile Content Communities) research project at HIIT. MAR (Mobile Augmented Reality) – toolkit on top of MUPE (Multi-User Publishing Environment). Goal is to create community activity around MUPE by providing attractive MAR – toolkit. Enables easier implementation of Mobile Augmented Realities on top of MUPE. Toolkit will be expandable, implemented version should contain (in priority order): Physical Object Tagger (POT) Public Display (PUD) Map Interface (MAP) Silent Communicator (SIC) – this will be on low priority ”Scotland Yard” demo game to demonstrate how MAR – toolkit works and for testing purposes.
T Project Review 4 Two views to the implemented system Component positioning inside system View of the system to users
T Project Review 5 Status of the iteration’s goals Project planning goals Understand the requirements of the customer. Customer has given us relatively free hands OK. Reach an agreement on what is done and how between customer and the group. Customer has not commented on requirements document or project plan yet. Establish the basis for the project including the used work methods and tools. OK. Research goals Do research on MUPE and J2ME technologies so that knowledgebase for the rest of the project exists in the end of project planning phase. 11.5 hours spent, some team members concentrated on studying these. Document this research so that it is accessible by other project members. NOT OK, other tasks (project related and not) taken time from the project.
T Project Review 6 Status of the iteration’s goals Requirements management goals Identify the type of end product (i.e. game) that is going to be built. OK, but the end product is the MAR – toolkit, game is a demo and tester. Identify the implemented MAR tools. OK Identify the requirements of the tools. OK Prioritize the required MAR tools. OK schedule the releases of the MAR tools. Tools will be implemented in parallel.
T Project Review 7 Status of the iteration’s deliverables Project Plan OK, except QA Plan (Chapter 5.3) still under work and iteration plans of iterations I1 – FD are done during iteration planning phase of each iteration (changed from iteration plan of project planning phase). Requirements document OK, will be detailed and all requirements will be accepted by customer and group. SEPA diaries OK Progress Report OK
T Project Review 8 Realization of the tasks Major discrepancies (more than 10 hours): Req. elicitation and analysis Hours spent to documentation Hours not raported Technologies research Over estimation of work effort Hours spent on something else (e.g. customer held workshop meetings) Tools research Hours used on tools adaptation Course material study Over estimation Lectures Over estimation of participation Customer meetings Unheld customer meetings Risk management Hours reported on meetings Hours not raported
T Project Review 9 Working hours by person No major discrepancies. Mostly because personal iteration hour estimates were done so late. Mostly diversion in project manager work hours, which took more than anticipated. No plan existed in the beginning of the iteration Realized hours in this iteration Latest plan (inc. realized hours)
T Project Review 10 Quality assessment – Reviewing results All delivered documents reviewed. Only internal reviews done. Quality measured roughly by dividing the amount of review notes by the lines of text in the Twiki system. DeliverableCoverageQualityComments Project Plan2 Internal review by 3 persons, no customer review. 0,033 review notes / line. Requirements Document 1 Internal review by 2 persons, no customer review. 0,043 review notes / line. Usability SEPA1 Internal review by 2 persons, no customer review. 0,015 review notes / line. TDD SEPA1 Internal review by 2 persons, no customer review. 0,025 review notes /line. Progress Tracking SEPA 2 Internal review by 3 persons, no customer review. No review notes. Legend Coverage: 0 = not reviewed 1 = internal review by 2 persons 2 = internal review by 3 persons 3 = internal + external review Quality: = quality is good = not sure = quality is bad
T Project Review 11 Software size So far only documentation… Twiki site now contains 4124 lines of text (excluding information in images and non-twiki created documents).
T Project Review 12 Risks RiskIT process established Risk Managing process defined 25 risks identified and analyzed Top 10 risks Controlling actions
T Project Review 13 Results of the iteration Project Plan Requirements Document Usability SEPA TDD SEPA Progress Tracking SEPA
T Project Review 14 Results of the iteration: Project Plan Project staffing
T Project Review 15 Results of the iteration: Project Plan Project goals customer group personal Project abort / end criteria giving control to SG Resourcing Software (mostly free) Test setting (hardware / server / data transmission) Practices Iterative development Time reporting Defect tracking Documenting Requirements Management Version control Coding convention Risk management Etc…
T Project Review 16 Results of the iteration: Project Plan Iteration flow
T Project Review 17 Results of the iteration: Project Plan Quality Assurance Plan Testing levels TDD coming in implementation iteration 2 (SEPA) Reviews Phasing Progress tracking as SEPA More detailed hour estimates Macrolevel schedule (includes milestones) Macrolevel hour estimates Each iteration planning phase Detailed schedule (includes work products) Detailed hour estimates More predictable results Detailed schedule exists with work products better control of the progress
T Project Review 18 Results of the iteration: Req. Document Components identified and prioritized 41 Functional Requirements 4 Non-functional Requirements 11 Use Cases Not yet accepted by the customer!
T Project Review 19 Results of the iteration: Usability SEPA Critical issue in game development UI design will begin in next iteration Evaluation and testing of UI in I2 and FD iterations
T Project Review 20 Results of the iteration: TDD SEPA Will be commenced in I2.
T Project Review 21 Results of the iteration: Progress Tracking SEPA Throughout the project lifecycle.
T Project Review 22 Used work practices time reporting version control meetings (agenda & minutes) reviews (twiki collaboration) documenting progress tracking and control communication practices RiskIT To be adopted TDD in I2 Usbility tests and heuristic evaluation in I2 and FD
T Project Review 23 Next Iteration Updated documents Technical Specification First Increment To be added: Game Design!