IASC Cluster Working Group Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Progress Report Geneva, 21-22 November 2005 Geneva, 21-22 November 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

IASC Cluster Working Group Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Progress Report Geneva, November 2005 Geneva, November 2005

Participation within WASH CWG Agencies involved in Global CWG Agencies involved in Global CWG WHO, UNHCR, WFP, OCHA Oxfam, ICRC, IFRC, MSF, ACF, REDR, Inter-Action, inter agency NGO WATSAN group Expand to include IRC, CARE International and other key NGOs. Observers to be invited e.g. ECHO, DFID, OFDA.

Key Outcomes of WASH CWG UNICEF confirmed by CWG as Lead Agency of WASH Cluster –Action: four global telecons since September-country level CWG est. for Pakistan with daily meetings. Informal contact with members to follow up on workplan. Secretariat (4 people, inc. secondments) to be established at UNICEF HQ to support the Cluster’s emergency preparedness and response workplan. Action: One Staff member appointed (ex-Oxfam), funded requested for other three staff from DFID/ECHO. One more in place by January. Cadre of Senior Field Coordinators to be identified and oriented; Dedicated Senior Coordinator recruited for major emergencies. Action: SC appointed for Pakistan; UNICEF working with Human Resources to identified cadre of SCs. Generic advert to be placed for more UNICEF WES staff at senior level for both emergency and devpt. programmes. Protocols, strategies and common standards agreed that bind agencies together in a common operational framework. Senior Field Coordinators monitor and coordinate the activities of all relevant field agencies. Action: These are under development and will be shared with cluster members in the next few weeks.

Priorities for Three Month Preparatory Work for WASH CWG Capacity mapping of CWG members to continue-questionnaire circulated and exercise to be completed by Jan Capacity mapping of four high risk countries and two geographic regions to determine existing capacity, critical gaps and necessary training. Development of protocols for sector coordination Mapping of major supplies and equipment of major agencies Performance indicators-development underway and shared with CWG members.

Key objectives of UNICEF’s Role in Country Level Coordination Be the driving force in drafting/developing policy, action plans and proactive resource mobilization strategies. Identify gaps and develop solutions to key problems within the sector Ensure that there is sufficient capacity to allow appropriate state and field-level engagement and quality assurance. Ensure clarity of the links with state and district level coordination structures and how the national-level bodies will provide support. Streamline coordination reporting, feedback and information exchange between IDP or refugees camp managers, state and district level WES coordinators and the WES Sector Coordinator/WES Coordination Unit Agency of last resort for service delivery needs

Outstanding Issues How to achieve universal buy-in?  Ensure tangible, useful outputs –members to see value. How to enhance coordination for predictability without creating a bureaucracy?  Keep CWG workplan focused on critical/priority activities-shift actions to regional/country level. Role of CWG in enhancement of rapid deployment of sector professionals needs more elaboration  Further discussion on feasibility of global rosters, standby agreements and recruitment service provision. –Surge Capacity Meeting planned for January in Geneva