“Common sense is not so common.” ~ Voltaire Monday, September 30, 2013 S.C. Standards for Today : B-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of cells and their organelles. Today’s Objectives: Demonstrate knowledge of passive transport Illustrate the ways that each type of cellular transport helps the cell to maintain homeostasis Egg Osmometer Reminder: What are you doing for your cell project? With whom are you working? Warm Up: 1.A student is looking at a cell in a microscope and is able to observe the following structures: a cell membrane, ribosomes, and a region of free-floating DNA. What type of cell is it? 2. What is the function of the golgi apparatus?
What’s your favorite perfume or cologne? O How can you smell perfume or cologne that has been applied to another person, even if there is no air circulating? O Perfume or cologne evaporates and diffuses out from the person that is wearing it. O What does this have to do with cells?
What is homeostasis? O Maintenance of a stable level of internal conditions, even though environmental conditions are constantly changing O Our bodies have to maintain homeostasis and without this maintenance we could die. O Cells also have to maintain homeostasis!
What happens if a cell cannot maintain homeostasis? O What did people do when they didn’t have refrigerators? O Early settlers would cover the meat in salt to help preserve it O The bacteria that were on the meat would die O Beef jerky is still made this way!
What is Transport? O Moving materials in and out of the cell O Two different types of transport: O Passive : Does not require energy (ATP) from the cell O Active : Requires ATP
Passive Transport: Simple Diffusion O Net movement of substances (liquid or gas) from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
Passive Transport- Simple Diffusion
Name one example of Passive Transport
Passive Transport: Facilitated Diffusion O Transports larger molecules with the help of a protein gate O These protein gates are made for specific molecule passage
Where else have we talked about specificity?
Passive Transport: Facilitated Diffusion
Passive Transport: Osmosis O Diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane
What is an example of a semi-permeable membrane?
Passive Transport: Osmosis O Hypertonic O Solution that has a high conc. of solute O Hypotonic O Solution having a low conc. of solute O Isotonic O Both Solutions have equal solute conc. This difference ( Δ ) of conc. of molecules across a space is called a Concentration Gradient
Passive Transport: Osmosis
Animal Plant
What types of passive transport did we talk about today?
Passive Transport Lab O Question: Can osmosis occur through the membrane of a shell-less chicken egg? O Hypothesis: Write a hypothesis! O Materials : Vinegar, 6 eggs, bucket, 150 mL beakers, water/sink, paper towels, electronic balance, syrup O Data : (record) O Analysis/Conclusion: (write)