If you want to change the world, focus on leaders. If you want to change leaders, focus on them when they’re young.
Why I Left The Pastorate
The Problem
One Guy’s Story
Empowering The New Gen (Deut. 6) Put a lot of your tangible eggs in the next gen basket (budget, staff, time) Elevate the value intangibly as well (visibility, tribal stories, affirmation)
Empowering The New Gen (Deut. 6) Empower parents to take the leading role –Hire staff with equipping skills –Fire staff unwilling/unable to change paradigms –Provide events for parents to succeed –Desegregate the church (power of intergenerational focus/ …it takes a village) –Empower non-parents to see their responsibility
Empowering The New Gen (Deut. 6) Combo of 3 family life strategies: Parent training/equipping (Family 1 st, family devo, seminars, books) Events with parents (missions, service, milestone events) Events for kids w/ kids
A Champion of Champions Catch a vision for good stewardship (100X) Identify those who can lead a new gen ministry. ID young leaders –Define leadership narrowly –Look for indicators ( –Test drive for verification –
FREE Social Influence Survey
A Champion of Champions Disciple the influencers (WDJD) Liberate opportunities –Earlier than later –Progressive confidence –Champion connections
Solution Give young leaders a year head start
Get a copy of this landmark book at the INCM book store or at Amazon.com
Tap KidLead’s Expertise… KidLead Inc. is the global leader in young leader development research and training curriculum. The Social Influence Survey is the 1 st leadership aptitude assessment for ages 2-22, to ID young influencers. We’ve age-sized executive caliber training for preteens (50 hours worth), soon for ages 2-22.
LeadNow Club Format: Accelerated Learning Methods/Multi Sensory 90 Minute Sessions Faith Based Small Group Interaction/Discussion Notebook w/ Weekly Leadership Challenge Key Concept Memory Cards Raising a Leader Parent Training LeadNow: Ages / Application Required LeadWell: Ages / Application Required
24,000,000 Pre-teens in America (8-12 year olds)