World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Severe Weather Forecasting and Disaster risk reduction Demonstration Project (SWFDDP) REGIONAL SUBPROJECT RA V Steve Ready
South Pacific ‘Window’ Solomon Islands Samoa Vanuatu Fiji 150 O E to 150 O W, 2 O N to 25(30) O S Tonga Niue Cook Islands Tuvalu Kiribati
South Pacific window
South Pacific Guidance chart produced by RSMC Wellington Before Yasi Was named!
UKMO page on MetConnect Pacific
UKMO TC data Ensemble tracks Strike probabilities Deterministic v Ensemble mean TC (and non-TC)Tracks- static image TC Animated – strike probabilities: TC passing within 300km TC Genesis probabilities – 10x10° (bar graphs) TC probabilities – 10x10° (bar graphs)
Southerly swell Peak around 3m 15s Christmas Island (Just north of Equator near 158 ⁰West)
ECMWF – tropical cyclone data Lagrangian Meteogram - EPS 7°x 7° box centred on TC Strike probability map - 120km radius Cyclone observed track Deterministic forecast verification
Strike probability for Wilma
ECMWF on TC Wilma
RSMC Darwin ACCESS-TC and vortex Tracking available by 2011/2012 cyclone season
South Pacific Guidance chart during TC Wilma Jan 2011
Links between SWFDDP and GIFS-TIGGE
Issues for SWFDDP Poor internet connectivity - l ow internet bandwidth, downloading quota Lack of qualified WMO meteorologists in South Pacific Dependency - 5 of 9 participating countries in SWFDDP rely on RSMC for some or all their forecasting & warning requirements
Snowman around Wellington on August 2011