Vanuatu Food Security Stakeholder Consultation Meeting 22 November, 2012 Holiday Inn Resort, Port Vila
Session 3: LEADERSHIP & COORDINATION OVERVIEW: -Everybody is doing Food Security, but Nobody is doing Food Security -Leadership and Coordination is weak -Limited accountability for progress -Weak Monitoring of the national plan of action on food security
CURRENT FOOD SECURITY WORKFORCE Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (1 Food Security Officer, 6 Provincial Agriculture Officer) Department of Public Health (1 Nutrition Officer, 1 temporary support Officer, 2 Compliance Officer, 1 Food Safety Officer, 5 Provincial Environmental Health Officers) Food Technology Development Centre & Analytical Unit (1 Manager, 1 Senior Food Technologist & 1 Laboratory Technician)
CURRENT FOOD & NUTRITION SECURITY WORKFORCE – Cont’d Department of Livestock & Quarantine ( 1 Principal Vet, 2 Senior Vets, 7 Meat Inspectors, 2 Senior Animal Health Officers, 1 assistant Animal Health Officer, 1 Plant Pathologist, 2 Entomologists) Department of Customs & Inland Revenue ( A few officers but their focus is on Quantity rather than Quality) Department of Fisheries
CURRENT FOOD & NUTRITION SECURITY WORKFORCE – cont’d Department of Meteorology Department of Forestry Department of Womens Affairs Vanuatu Cultural Centre NGOs such as; WSB, World Vision, Oxfam, Live & Learn, Red Cross, VNCW Other Producers and Manufacturers UN Agencies like; FAO, UNICEF, UNESCO
The Mechanism Leadership and Coordination is critical for Food & Nutrition Security Improvements Multi - Sectoral Approach Vanuatu National Codex Committee (Codex Vanuatu) Partnership
The Mechanism Codex Vanuatu VCCI Quarantine DARD DFA FTDC-AU Health Customs DoI/DoET NTDC WSB NGO Vanuatu National Food Security & Codex Coordinating Office Codex Vanuatu NTDC NCD Committee Current StructureProposed Structure
CHALLENGES: Food & Nutrition Security is not a Government PRIORITY!! In Acceptance of the Reality of Food & Nutrition Security in Vanuatu Leadership & Coordination role not driven by identified “Key Players” No proper Reporting mechanism No Close Collaboration amongst Key Players
Proposed Way Forward Review the Scope and substance of existing food & nutrition security related policies, strategies and committees Review and revise the national plan of action on food security Empower the National Codex Committee to become the overall food security coordination body for Vanuatu (A working group to work on TOR)
GROUP ACTIVITY Discussion Questions 1. Is Food & Nutrition Security an issue in Vanuatu? 2. What sort of Affiliation? Govt/Private or Independent 3. Who to play the leadership & coordinating role? 4. Advantages and Disadvantages 5. Reporting Mechanism?