New MSDP improvements Advances and prospects P. Mein, MSDP workshop, Tarbes 2006 THEMIS - New CCD cameras - Linear polarization of prominences - New line 6103 CaI and B vector - High resolution and 3D flux tubes German VTT- High speed DALSA cameras Pic du Midi LJR, Meudon Tower - JOP 178
THEMIS/MSDP New CCD cameras 1024x lines, pixel ~ 0.2 arcsec - Polarization analysis with 5 steps of grid 170 arcsec Sep 13, 2005 NaD1 Intensity +/-240 mA NaD1 Stokes V +/-240 mA 167 ’’
H Intensity Line centre Intensity +/- 410 mA Velocity +/- 410 mA Stokes V +/- 410 mA
H prominences Observ. P. & N. Mein (July 2004) THEMIS/MSDP Q,U profiles
D3 prominences
THEMIS / MSDP I, Q,U,V profiles Polarization analysis of 6103 CaI V / I -80/+80 mA Q / I 0 / +80 mA U / I 0 / +80 mA Obs. K. Tziotziou
Stokes profiles at a peculiar point (cross)
B vector Unno-fit inversion (points where Filling factor > 0.07) (V. Bommier)
The first MSDP observations of 6103 show that we can expect to measure B vector in the photosphere - either from standard processing and Stokes profiles inversion - or by direct inversion using c-files (to avoid profile interpolations) The 2005 observations have been - performed with the 16 channels optics (wavelength step 80 mA), - processed with standard processing using various corrections improving the effective spectral resolution (curvatures interpolated between different y-positions, smoothing around 1 arcsec). Measurements with the new optics which should be adjusted in the near future (14 channels, wavelegth step 50 mA) - would still increase the wavelength resolution - would allow to observe also Prospects
NaD1 +/- 320 mANaD1 +/- 80mA 15 arcsec LOS Magnetic Field Prospects: High Spatial Resolution with THEMIS/MSDP Obs. J-M Malherbe, May 2000
8 pm 32 pm THEMIS/MSDP, J-M Malherbe, Larger size of facular magnetic structures at high levels - 3D flux-tube models in progress
VTT / MSDPFast DALSA cameras 15 m spectrograph large X-steps 10’’ fast scans 3’ x 3’ expected < 20 sec H line centre Sep 17, x 150 arcsec
H Intensity +/- 440 mA H velocity +/- 440 mA
JOP 178 JOP 178 / 2005 Campaign Th. Roudier (P.I.) (1), S. Rondi (1), J.M. Malherbe (2), P. Mein (2), B. Schmieder (2), V.Bommier (2), N. Mein (2), J. Moity (2), Ch. Coutard (2) G. Molodij (2), N. Meunier (1), M. Rieutord (1), R. Tkaczuk (1), G. Aulanier (2), Berlicki (2), E. Pariat (2), K. Bocchialini (3), G. Pouget (3), J. Solomon (3), P. Suetterlin (4), M. Svanda (5), Tziotziou (4), Steve Keil (6), K.S. Balasubramaiam (6), Y. Deng (7), J Staiger (8), P. Rudawy (9) D. Pallamraju (10), R. Kitai (10), M. Svanda (11) Presented by Pr. K. SHIBATA ( Hida and Kwasan observatories,Japan) (1) Observatoire Midi Pyrénées. (2) Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France A. (3) Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale France (4) Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands (5) Astronomical Institute Ondrejov Czech Republic K and the Global High Resolution H-alpha Network (6) Sacramento Peak Observatory (USA) (7) Yuanyong Huairou Solar Observing Station (China) (8) KIS-Freiburg- VTT (Germany) (9) Wroclaw Observatory (10) Hida and Kwasan observatories (Japan) (11)Astronomical Institute Ondrejov Czech Republic
September 11, 2005 : NOAA808 (40 degrees East, 10 degrees South) THEMIS/MSDP: simultaneaous observation at 12:00 UT Field of view 360 arcsec by 160 arcsec Target Intensity D1 a 24 nm to line centerStokes V in D1 at 24 nm to line center Intensity Halpha at 25 nm to line centerIntensity Halpha at 50 nm to line center THEMIS/MTR: 14h44-17h59 UT JOP 178 Magnetic fieldcompound of both: H_aplha and magnetic field map the magnetic field vector is given in line-of-sight coordinates: - color scale for the longitudinal magnetic field - yellow dashes (without arrow: the ambiguity is not solved) for the transverse magnetic field CATANIA Observatory
September 15, 2005 JOP 178 Pic du Midi ( MSDP / LJR) H_aplha compound H_aplha and Doppler velocity (Blue =up, red= down) NOAA808, eruption 8h 53mn 52 s UT White Light
September 11, 2005 NOAA808, eruption 8h 40mn s UT Meudon Observatory: MSDP JOP 178 Doppler Velocity and H-alpha intensity (Blue =up, red= down) H-alpha 656nm NOAA808, 8h40mn s UT
THEMIS / MSDP prospects - Fast CCD cameras + large FOV ( grid 170’’) + Polar analysis: -Time evolutions (oscillations, ejections,…) - Linear polarization of flares - Large FOV for coordinated campaigns - High spatial resolution (tilt, astigmatism?) - 3D structures of flux tubes - B vector in the photosphere - Fast measurements of B vector (6103) - Expected higher spectral resolution (14 channels, 6103, 6302)