An Online Calculus Text for the iPad
10/26/2015An Online Calculus Text for the iPad2 Philosophy Central idea of calculus: (differential), (integral), using very small runs. The derivative is developed by zooming in to a very small run. The integral is developed as solution to an initial value problem via Euler’s Method.
10/26/2015An Online Calculus Text for the iPad3 Features of the Text guided discovery learning real-world applications as motivators making connections – topics are not isolated writing as window into students’ thinking high expectations of students emphasis on students checking their own work
10/26/2015An Online Calculus Text for the iPad4 Table of Contents 1.Relationships 2.Models of Growth: Rates of Change 3.Initial Value Problems 4.Differential Calculus and its Uses 5.Modeling with Differential Equations 6.Antidifferentiation 7.The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 8.Integral Calculus and its Uses 9.Probability and Integration 10.Polynomial and Series Representations of Functions
10/26/2015An Online Calculus Text for the iPad5 Classroom Adoptions Class tested at Now with all students using iPads Additional sites,
10/26/2015An Online Calculus Text for the iPad6 Adaptation for iPad from online text at Replaced all XHTML pages with HTML Replaced all asciiMathML with MathJax Replaced asciiMathML popup calculator with pure javascript + MathJax version (thanks to Peter Jipsen) Replaced all Maple, Mathematica, Mathcad, and Flash interactions with Sage interact cells (thanks to Jason Grout, John Travis, Karl-Dieter Crisman, Dan Drake, Ira Hanson …)
10/26/2015An Online Calculus Text for the iPad7