Key Points for Putting Your Packet Together
Titles for Promotion System Assistant Extension Professional Associate Extension Professional Extension Professional
Factors Considered for Promotion Degree held, education experience Scholarly work Quality and quantity of Extension programming (outcomes/impacts) Leadership in professional activities/service
Levels and Incentives Level 1: Assistant Extension Professional Doctoral degree, OR appropriate terminal degree, OR Master’s degree, and at least 5 yrs. of extension and/or equivalent academic experience. Move into the promotion system Professional development award ($2,000)
Levels and Incentives Level 2: Associate Extension Professional Doctoral degree, OR appropriate terminal degree, OR Master’s degree, and at least 10 yrs. of extension and/or equivalent academic experience (OR 5 yrs. with doctoral degree). $3,000 salary increase
Levels and Incentives Level 3: Extension Professional Doctoral degree, OR appropriate terminal degree, OR Master’s degree, and at least 15 yrs. of extension and/or equivalent academic experience and documented sustained excellence (OR 12 yrs. with doctoral degree). $4,000 salary increase
Checklist 1.Initial letter of appointment 2.Summary letters and recommendations 3.Complete curricula vita 4.Summary of Accomplishments 5.External reviews
Selecting External Reviewers Should be professionals from universities or agencies outside the University of Missouri system But, not past MU colleagues, or academic advisors Non-academic letters should be able to comment upon the impact of the candidates' work
Peer Evaluations Peer Evaluations Able to critically evaluate work done within the last 5 years Served on a team, has had substantial interaction, and/or opportunity to observe programming. Strongly encourage to have the same rank or higher, but does not have to hold NTT rank
Tab IV Complete CV Limited to 25 pages Need to follow APA format Focus on key or main areas of academic expertise
Tab V Appendix A.1, A.2, and A.3 - Criteria Six areas 1.Teaching Philosophy 2.Research-based Teaching, Programming and/or Curriculum Development in Area of Scholarly Work 3.Extension Scholarship 4.Innovation and Creativity in Teaching, Programming and/or Curriculum Development 5.Revenue Generation 6.Professional and University Related Service
Samples of Work Not exceed 5 documents or a total of 25 pages If sample exceeds 5 pages, select five sample pages from the document Needs to support/strengthen work described in Tab V
General Comments Start early Less is more – focus Be accurate Use proof readers – 2 or more Spell check Format check Use the dossier library – Whitten Hall Use past committee members Ask questions
Extension NTT Committee 4-H Youth DevelopmentKathy Bondy Agricultureopen Business Developmentopen Community DevelopmentBev Maltsberger Human Environmental Science open Non-tenure Track at LargeJohanna Reed- Adams Tenure Track at Largeopen