A wonderful village to live in! Should the world’s wealth be distributed more fairly?
Discussion questions 1. Why were there so many inequalities in that village? Find as many reasons as you can. 2. Do you think that the people in that village could live in peace and harmony with one another? Why? 3. Could the HAVE-NOTS of that village, left to their own resources, improve their hopeless situation? How? 4. Do you think that the people in that village would be able to live happily and in peace with one another, if the few wealthy persons of that village were generous enough to give them lots of charity? Why? 5. What is the difference between JUSTICE AND CHARITY? **If the World were a village of 100 people – Dr Maura Cullen**
Discussion questions, con’t.. 6. What comes first: Charity or Justice? What is the first thing that charity should give to the exploited? 7. According to your view, to improve their situation, what should the HAVE NOTS be given first of all? Write numbers in front of the items mentioned according to your priority. Explain why you have chosen such priorities. Food Housing Lands Money Education Luxuries Sanitation Freedom and power to manage their lives. Is there still something missing? Mention it.
8. Do you think that the HAVES would easily agree to share their privileges and their wealth with the HAVE -NOTS? Why? What is your experience? 9. Has there ever been such village on earth or is just an invention of the writer of the story? 10. Are the HAVES of the real world, more just and fair than the HAVES of that forgotten village? What makes you say so?
The unequal distribution of wealth Since humans are made in the image of God, we need to be in pursuit of the common good. Even though we are all equal in dignity, we are created with different talents and capabilities Read the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). What is the moral? What are the cultural norms? A “talent” is a large sum of money (maybe equal to 20 years’ wages) Lego Parable of the Talents – you tube ( What are the cultural norms in this modern telling?
The meaning of the Parable It is explained in a few ways – teaches the importance of: being a good employee, trying hard, not being lazy taking care of whatever gifts God has given us (stewardship) “letting your light shine” – investing in other people preaching the Gospel, bringing people to Christ being humble, only taking credit for your true accomplishments May have been a comment on Jewish authorities hoarding wealth The 3rd servant is criticizing the Master for concern with profits – maybe refused to compete; he only had one talent How would this parable apply to modern life?
“Seed Money” Read the article “Pastor gives out $100 bills; parish returns ‘more for poor’” Connect this story to the Parable of the Talents. In your small groups: How do you think the wealth in this world is distributed? Who has the most? Who has the least? How do you know? Look at the map of the world with the GDP per capita ratings. What does this tell us about the distribution of wealth in the world?
The Church and wealth distribution Throughout the last 100 years, the Church has said that social justice demands that we look at the way wealth is distributed The CCC states that it is necessary for people to pay their share of taxes – and in most countries that means that the richest pay more taxes. What do our tax dollars pay for? The CCC says that countries have the responsibility to care for their most vulnerable (poor, children, sick etc). List ways that the Ontario government and the Canadian government do this (sometimes called a “social safety-net”) The Church says people should be encouraged to become owners of property. Why do you think this is?
Is money distributed fairly? Who is poor in Canada? Some groups to watch: the working poor, single parents those who lose their jobs to outsourcing, students graduating with huge amounts of debt Income inequality and Child poverty in Canada: Poor No More 849DD077FDF DD077FDF99 Rod Sheppard on outsourcing Canadian jobs: Poor No More 849DD077FDF DD077FDF99
Videos – Salt and Light TV – Words of Jesus: Catholic Social Justice Servant leadership - Servant leadership Father Bruce – Project Report: Father Bruce from the Back of the Yards Community in Chicago
Servant Leadership A Christian leader models the example of Jesus. His ministry was through service to others. Therefore a Servant Leader is one who: Is present to others. Leads by example Sees Christ in all he/she does Sees Christ in those in need Acts out of love, not pity Becomes the hands, feet, eyes, mouth and heart of Christ on earth Leads socially as well as spiritually Applies elements of Social Justice to their life Is sometimes put to death for trying to change social structures How Should a Servant Leader Lead? Through service in total freedom By invitation Speaking out on behalf of those who are in need By example Through both Charity and Justice
Key Aspects of Servant Leadership 1. They are Called by God -Leadership is a gift from God given for the good of the community 2. They have a Vision for the Community -Fundamental vision of the community is expressed through beliefs and missions 3. They Provide a Direct Service to Others in the Community -They facilitate community by fostering an atmosphere of love, compassion and harmony -They realize they must be servants of their community 4. They Empower Others Through Collaboration -Leadership fosters collaboration and shared goals with the belief in “power to” rather than “power over” 5. They know their own Human Limitations -They recognize that nothing we do as humans is complete