9:30- 10:30Welcoming 10:30-10:45Break 10:45- 11:15Overview and Participant Requirements 11:15-12:00The importance of PYLN 12:00-12:45Disability History 12:45- 1:15Lunch (provided) 1:15-1:45Understanding of Secondary Transition 1:45–2:00Break 2:00-3:30 How Agencies Help with Transition 3:30 -3:45Break 3:45-4:30What it takes to be an effective leader in PYLN 4:30-5:15Project Presentation Overview 5:15Dinner (on your own) 7:30-9:30Night Activity (Optional) sponsored by Leigh Valley CIL
8:30-9:15Breakfast (provided) & Review 9:15-10:00Group Project Work 10:00-10:15Break 10:15-11:45Group Project Work 11:45-12:15Lunch (provided) 12:15-1:15Recreation and Leisure Fair Overview 1:15-2:15Understanding Accommodations 2:15-2:30Break 2:30-4:00Feature Presentations 4:00- 5:00Discussions 5:00Dinner (on your own) 7:30-9:00Dance (optional)
7:30-8:30Breakfast (provided) 8:30-10:00Recreation, Leisure & Activity Fair 10:00-10:15Break 10:15- 11:45Recreation, Leisure & Activity Fair 11:45-12:00Break 12:00-1:15Project Presentation