Egypt Country Biography Project By Shaheroze Khan Period 7 AP World
Egyptian Involvement in WW1 ● Due to the Ottoman declaration of war in 1914, Britain declared a protectorate over Egypt and put a British family member in power as sultan, this makes Egypt a part of the Allies. ● 1915-Defend Suez canal from Ottoman Empires forces, Suez Canal was vital to the British Success as it was used to transport equipment, troops, and provisions. ● British invasion of Palestine done with Egypt being used as a base. Large forces were assembled allowing Britain to take jerusalem in december of 1917 and leads to Ottoman Empire’s surrender in 1918(Armistice of Mudros).
The Attack On The Suez Canal
Egyptian Independence Movement-1919 ● Nationalistic feelings were present after WW1, shown in the Paris peace Conference 1919 when the Wafd delegation demanded independence and were instead arrested and deported, leads to a huge Egyptian uprising. ● Women also protested led by Huda Sha’Rawi, leading feminist voice in Egypt. Many demonstrations daily by men and women. ● In 1921 Adli Pasha led a mission from Egypt to discuss replacing protectorate with a treaty of alliance with Britain but due to the importance of Britain keeping control of the Suez Canal zone, Pasha did not accept any terms.
● Martial law declared in December of 1921, but after violent demonstrations the kingdom of Egypt was established in 1922 with Sarwat Pasha as prime minister and King Faud 1 in power. ● Britain still dominated politics and controlled the Suez Canal. Egyptians civilians disliked both foreign involvement as well as the monarchy. Egypt Independent Movement Part 2
Egyptian Revolution Of 1952 ● The Free Officers Movement was formed by a group of reform minded officers backed by the U.S.S.R and the U.S as they believed the government was corrupt. ● King Farouk was exiled, but his infant son Faud II was made the new king, although he had no power and it was only to show Britain that they supported monarchy. ● On june 1953 the monarchy was dissolved and Muhammad Naguib of the free officers movement was elected president of the Egyptian Republic. ● The free officers leader Gamal Abdel Nasser clashed with Naguib as Nasser wanted to keep military power in politics, while Naguib wanted to give power to civilians. ● Nasser forced Naguib to resign, and eventually in 1956 Nasser is elected president and a new constitution is also approved that gives women’s suffrage and prohibited gender based discrimination. ● While the Egyptian people previously supported Naguib, they began to support nasser due to the new constitution.
Nasser(Left) And Naguib(Right)
Most Important Event, Nationalizing The Suez Canal ● July Nasser gives a speech at Alexandria in which he announces the nationalizing of the Suez Canal, as he believes Egyptians have the right to own the Suez Canal as they built it. ● This is the most significant Event as the Egyptians as well as arabians all supported Nasser as he had finally taken out Foreign control in Egypt, as Egyptians had previously either been controlled by the British or had been heavily influenced by them, as in the previous monarchy. ● This also led to the Suez crisis, In which combined forces of Israel, Britain, And France attacked Egypt, but eventually withdrew. ● After the crisis Nasser imposed more strict regulations for residency and forced some Egyptian Jews and European Nationals to leave the country. ● The suez canal was reopened, Nasser’s position was highly strengthened as the entire situation was viewed as a failed attempt to topple him.
Pictures of the Suez Canal in real life as well as on a map
This source shows the importance of the nationalizing of the Suez Canal as with the Canal Nasser is able to make foreign troops who attacked Egypt leave as they cannot afford to allow the Suez Canal to remain blocked, as it is vital to trade between Europe and Asia.
● Egypt has been in the UN since 1945 and has major interaction with the world due to the large amount of trade done through the Suez Canal. ● Advancements in culture shown through constitution changes that grant women’s suffrage and equal rights. ● Although a little late, Egypt joins the EU in 2004 with the EU-Egypt association agreement establishing a free trade area without tariffs on products. ● They have a lot of involvement in sports as egypt was the first african country to join FIFA, was strong in the olympics at weightlifting,boxing, and wrestling at the olympics, and since the 1990s has been strong at handball tournaments both regionally and continentally. Globalization In Egypt
● Egypt had a huge amount of progress, particularly in their governments as they were originally a protectorate of Britain but afterwards they gain their independence. ● Egypt also became more democratic as they finally abolished the monarchy. ● Egypt grew a larger national identity by removing foreign involvement shown through the nationalization of the Suez Canal. ● Egypt formed an entire new constitution which included women’s suffrage as well as prohibition on gender based discrimination. ● There was some chaos, for example the deteriorating relationships with Europe and Egypt as well as the discrimination given to Egyptian Jews after the Suez Crisis. Progress During The 20th Century
● While they used to be part of the British Empire, Egypt lost a lot of favor with them after they nationalized the canal as well as when they began to buy weapons from the Soviet Union. ● American relations with Egypt mainly involved wanting to ease tensions between them and the Israelis. ● Israelis fought the Egyptians similar to other middle easterners as most countries in the Middle East were viewed as being colonists similar to Europeans. Egyptian Relations