Public and Private Partnerships in the Baltic Region: Experience of Riga City
The experience of Riga City Shortage of public infrastructure with shortage of finance from public bodies the reason for seeing PPP as one of solutions. On the action plan for possible PPP development: Water and lightning; Roads and rail ; Public administration buildings; National Opera building; Schools.
The aim of the project: TO ENFORCE THE MAINTANACE, EXTENSION AND REHABILITATION PROJECT OF RIGA STREET LIGHTNING NETWORK Self governmental Agency of Riga “Rigas Gaisma” maintaining: light points (total electricity power is 8000 kW); poles; 1722,5 km of cables and air-wire lines; 46 electronic public clocks in Riga. Main problems: Frequent failures and high cost penalties, owing to lack of periodic and preventive maintenance; Lighting level widely below that available from equipment using modern optical technologies; Poor illumination efficiency, for the following reasons: There are worked out Technical and Maintenance programme which includes: Set up of the Data base; Full technical renovation of the system; Development and implementation new Maintenance system. Street Lighting Project for Riga City
New administrative centre of Riga City Mainly inspired from the positive example from Vilnius City; Departments and other structural units of Riga City Council located dispersedly; Building costs just for RCC building accounts 44.7 millions LVL (63.6 millions EUR) Some state institutions announced the interest to take part in the project; Planned as a new administrative centre of Riga City including RCC building, state institution offices, new congress centre, shopping malls, hotels etc. Trilateral co-operation between municipality, state and private sector needed to realise the project needed. Final decision planned to make still in this year.
RCC building Municipality Agreement Special Purpose Vehicle Investment (~5%) - Land - Rent Investment (~95%) - design - construction - operation - letting - transfer
RCC building: municipality InvestmentsBenefit LandLand remains as a property of municipality Funds from sales of real estate (if necessary) Latterly, building passes to municipality (if Transfer is prescribed) Possible funds from State investment program and EU Receivement of clearly defined service and payment of adequate rent Daily operational concerns transferred to private sector
RCC building: private partner InvestmentsBenefit DesignLong term rent agreement with RCC Construction of building and infrastructure Clearly defined long-term agreement and profit from efficiency in operation Operational costsPotentially – RCC transfers land to SPV remaining the ownership (if other buildings in the territory are planned) Potentially – collection of rent from other organisations (if building is built bigger than for RCC needed and rest or the building leased)
RCC building: investments and sources of financing InvestmentsLVL Sources of financingLVL% Land* Riga City Council % Design** Private partner % Construction*** SIF, EU % Infrastructure*** Total % * Potential market value 100 EUR/m 2 ** 1% from construction costs *** Prices of October 2005
Location of new administrative centre of Riga City
Riga Northern corridor - segments M EUR 96.2 M EUR M EUR Tunnel 1 km Connections 4.6 km Crossing 1.3 km 8.2 km 6.1km 1.segment 2.segment 3.segment 4.segment 54,4 M EUR 4.9km
Completion of reconstruction of Latvian National Opera building Reconstruction of LNO building split into 3 parts, 2 of the already realized. Third (an last) part includes: Most of premises needed for artistic personnel; Most of premises needed for administrative use; Several technical premises; Cattering service; Undergroung level parking lot (as an additive). As an alternative: an open concession (LNO building + underground level parking lot). Investments needed – up to 5 millions LVL (7.11 millions EUR).
Development of Lucavsala Island Huge undeveloped territory located in the heart of Riga. Location very attractive to investors. Must be seen in the context of transport organisation aspects in the area (need for new crossings of Daugava river). Planned the city-in-the-city concept to apply. Planned type of development: SPV or joint venture. Decision still in this year.
Location of Lucavsala Island
Conclusion Riga City Council: next steps planned: introduction of PPP taskforce in the structure of Riga City Council responsible both for strategic and day-to-day responsibilities of implementation of PPPs. to continue the work with projects mentioned and to consider other possible projects of public infrastructure in Riga City to apply the principles of PPPs. Adoption of new versions of Law of concession and Public procurement law will make the environment and situation in the framework of PPPs more obvious and will help Riga City Council with giving more options to act.
Thank you! Riga City Council