On Friday, we had our first big test in this class. How did you feel about it? How do you think you did? Do you feel you have to fix your study habits for the next test? What can I do to help you improve? What can your class do as a whole so everyone can comprehend and understand information? SELF-EVALUATE 5 POINTS 9/21
Non-fiction is writing that tells about real people, places, and events. WHAT IS IT?
Non-fiction is written to convey factual information Non-fiction is written with a variety of purposes; it depends on the author’s attitude towards a subject. Non-fiction writing can have the purpose to teach/inform, persuade, inspire, or entertain the reader. WHAT DOES IT HAVE?
Biography – true account of a person’s life written by another person. It involves research of another person’s life. Autobiography- a writer’s account on his or her own life. Usually written in the first person narrative (“I”). Memoir – a form of autobiography in which a writer shares his or her personal experiences and memories of important events. These experiences usually make an impact on their lives WHAT IS CONSIDERED NON-FICTION?
Other types of non-fiction include: newspapers, magazines, sports writing, speeches, movie reviews, essays, letters, etc. WHAT ELSE?
Much like fiction, we can find a couple of things. Non-fiction can have the parts of plot: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution There can also be conflicts. Inferences and generalizations can be present in the work as well! WHAT CAN WE FIND IN NON- FICTION
Inference: an educated guess It can be correct or faulty Example: If the sky is gray, you can infer that there is a possibility that it could rain. INFERENCE
It is a broad (not too specific) statement or idea that applies to a group of people or things Often times, they are not entirely true because there are example of people and things that do not apply to the statement. Examples: All parents try to make life difficult for their children Dogs are smarter than cats. GENERALIZATION
Tell me: The three purposes of non-fiction Two types of non-fiction One thing you want to learn about in nonfiction POINTS 9/21