Organizational Behavior Lecture 32
Recap from Lecture Forces for change 2. Planned versus unplanned change 3. Resistance to change 4. Overcoming resistance to change
Recap from Lecture Approaches to managing change 1. Lewin’s three step change model 2. Kotter’s eight step plan for implementing change 2. Organizational development 3. Creating culture for change 1. Innovation 2. Learning organization
Recap from Lecture Explain what is meant by ethical behavior at work. 2. Discuss important factors that shape ethical behavior at work. 3. Describe at least four specific ways in which management can influence ethical behavior at work. 4. Employ fair disciplinary practices. 5. List at least four important factors in managing dismissals effectively.
Recap from Lecture 13 Identify main functions of communication Describe the communication process and distinguish between formal and informal communication Contrast downward, upward and lateral communication and provide examples of each Contrast oral, written and non verbal communication
Recap from Lecture 14 Contrast formal communication networks and the grapevine Analyze the advantages and challenges of electronic communication Show how channel richness underlies the choice of communication channel
Recap from Lecture 15 Identify common barriers to effective communication Show how to overcome potential barriers in cross-cultural communication
Recap Lecture 16 What is leadership Trait Theories of Leadership – Big five personality model – Limitations Behavioral Approaches to leadership – Ohio State Studies/U. of Michigan – University of Michigan Studies
Recap Lecture 17 Contingency Theories of Leadership – Fiedler’s Contingency Model – Cognitive Resource Theory – Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Model © 2007
Recap Lecture 18 Path Goal Theory LMX Theory Inspirational Approaches to Leadership – Transformational Leaders – Transactional Leaders – Laissez-Faire Leadership – Ethical Leadership – Online Leadership – Mentoring © 2007 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.
Recap Lecture 19 you should be able to: – Define conflict. – Differentiate between the traditional, human relations, and interactionist views of conflict. – Outline the conflict process. – Define negotiation. – Contrast distributive and integrative bargaining. – Apply the five steps in the negotiation process. – Show how individual differences influence negotiations. – Assess the roles and functions of third-party negotiations. – Describe cultural differences in negotiations.
Recap Lecture 20 Why Safety is Important Occupational Safety Laws in Pakistan Responsibilities and Rights of Employers and Employees Top Management’s Role in Safety What Causes Accidents? – Unsafe conditions and other work related factors What causes unsafe acts? How to prevent accidents? – Reducing unsafe conditions
Recap Lecture 20 Reducing unsafe acts by emphasizing safety Reducing unsafe acts through – selection and placement – Training – motivation Conduct safety and health audits Workplace health hazards Workplace substance abuse Infectious diseases Stress burnout and depression
Recap Lecture 20 Computer related health problems Workplace smoking Violence at work
Recap Lecture 21 What is Power? Contrasting leadership and power Basis of power Dependency – the key to power Power Tactics
Recap Lecture 22 Effectiveness of Power Basis Power Tactics Factors Influencing the Choice and Effectiveness of Power Tactics Preferred Power Tactics by Influence Direction Political Behavior Determinants of Political Behavior Influences of Political Behavior Organizational Policies and Resource Allocations
Recap Lecture 23 What is Equal Employment Opportunity? What is sexual Harassment? Defenses against discrimination allegations Adverse Impact Bona fide occupational qualifications Business Necessity Discriminatory Employment Practices – Recruitment – Selection standards
Recap Lecture 23 Diversity Management Workforce Diversity in Practice Diversity’s Benefits Equal Employment Opportunity versus Affirmative Action Steps in Affirmative Action Program Improving Productivity through Diversity Management Recruiting Minorities Online Reverse Discrimination
Recap Lecture 24 What is Recruitment Sources: –Internal Searches –Employee Referrals/ Recommendations
Recap Lecture 25 What is Recruitment Sources –External Searches –Alternatives Recruiting Globally The selection process : 1.initial screening interview 2.completion of the application form 3.employment tests 4.comprehensive interview 5.background investigation 6.conditional job offer 7.medical/physical exam 8.permanent job offer
Recap Lecture 26 The selection process Selection from a global perspective Final Thoughts: Excelling at the Interview Training & Development HR: Who is Managed? HR: Who is involved Elements of HR
Recap Lecture 27 Critical HR goals Strategic Tensions Best Fit/Best Practices Critique of the views
Recap Lecture 28 What is Structure Matching Strategy with structure
Recap Lecture 29 Forms of organizational structure Functional structure Divisional structure SBU Structure Matrix structure Conclusions and implications
Recap Lecture 30 How Strategy Develops, Vision and mission statement