Goals: - To get experience in assembling MWPC on the Wall and prevent possible problems; - To check functionality and stability of different chambers at various conditions (grounding, shielding, variation of HV, LV, EMI, etc.); - To see what can be measured using cosmics; - To develop and debug software needed during tests and commissioning; - Learning of new control facilities which will be used in pit; - etc. One row of MWPC in one quadrant is enough for beginning, extended to 2-row system, if needed
It is an additional LHCb muon test facility built at CERN (bld.156) It consists of: MWPC – various types, e.g. for beginning: M5R1; M3R2; M3R3; M3R4; M3R4 (fully equipped); Mechanics (part of the real M3-wall 150x542cm); Cabling; Gas pipes; Rack: VME crate: ACQ modules as 64-channel counters (Roma2); USB-VME2 bridge (V1718, CAEN); Service Board (Roma1); LV (Frascati); HV (CERN) PC: CAN-bus interface card (Roma1) Other responsibilities see below Station M3 mainly
Number of HV cables (LHCb muon type): 5; Frascati Assuming that 1 HV channel supplies 4 gaps in parallel, the number of CAEN channels 5; We’ll move the existing HV system close to mockup, use two dedicated patch panels providing both 1x4 and 4x4 connections (one CAEN channel per gap, if needed); CERN, PNPI Front-end boards: number of SPB boards: 32 cathode and 12 wire type (704 resistors must be replaced here), i.e. all chambers mentioned above must be fully dressed forever); CERN Number of CARDIAC boards: 32 positive and 12 negative type; Cagliari Number of LV cables: 8; CERN Final LV power supply (total current 22A); Frascati Number of LVDS output cables: 44; CERN Number of I2C cables: 8; CERN Number of ACQ modules (used as external counters): 7; Roma2 Cables adapters to connect standard LVDS cable from CARDIAC to ACQ: 28; CERN Note: software must show 'panoramic’ (cosmics) view without (exist) and with cabling EMI antenna has to be improved: the best case to simulate LHC-clock spectrum; CERN, PNPI Gas mixture lines; CERN