An introduction to online conferencing (webex) for ILCOP teams
Summary Follow the web link on your invite Meeting Password: ilcop Call-in free number: Enter the meeting number on your invite
1. You will need to download a software the first time you use webex. Allocate 10 minutes: a.Click on the link (previous slide) b.Just follow the instructions:
2. Download the software
3. Type your name and address
4. This is how webex will look once you’ve joined webex session
5. You then need to join the audio through your phoneline! On Wednesday 1 st June 2pm, call-in free number: Meeting Number: See your invite
6. Follow the steps to join the audio conference XXXXX
7. You have now joined the audio
Use the mute button
See the participant’s list
Write questions to the facilitator
If still have troubles, – –